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Saturday, June 29, 2013

America Will See Its Worst Race Riot Yet This Summer

Yes, the George Zimmerman trial here has thousands of African-Americans getting ready for some serious bloodletting.

I don’t want to make idle and dire predictions but this nation has never been so divided and racially sensitive. Or African-American President took sides on this case at the very beginning. That ratified a George Zimmerman guilty verdict in the minds of millions.

There’s just one little problem, and that is the murder case should have never been filed. It was filed purely for political reasons despite the fact that it was a simple justifiable homicide.

Zimmerman was the block watch lookout program and followed a suspicious Trayvon Martin after he used an improper entrance to a gated community. Zimmerman was acting at the eyes and ears of the Sanford Police Department. Martin did not like being followed and knew that he could easily beat up the out-of-shape Zimmerman and did so.

The force was unequal and Zimmerman was getting his head pounded on the concrete sidewalk. Zimmerman was fighting for his life when he removed his Kel-Tec pistol and put a round into Martin’s chest.

The Sanford Police Department investigated the shooting and had no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman who regrettably cooperated with them fully. They made no arrest.



  1. What? All this hype suppose to scare me or something. If that's what they want make it their best shot. Most will starve in a few days.

    1. We're coming for u first 'Yo'.

  2. This trial was a planned move by Obama. They could have done this in January when it's cold and it would not have been such a concern. Blacks have never rioted in the winter.

  3. There is only one thing for sure on the outcome of this trial: "Innocent" - Riots and looting in the streets. "Guilty" - Riots and looting in the streets. It's either one or the other, for sure. Mark my words.

  4. Martin was a hoodlum - the evidence we're not allowed to see would show that.

    Zimmie should walk - let 'em riot - put the rioters in jail for disturbing the peace and take another group of criminals off the streets!

  5. Bring it on. It's way past time to thin the herd.


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