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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Almost Half Believe White House Ordered IRS To Target Tea Party

Monday, CNN released a poll showing that a full 50% of Americans no longer trust President Obama. Tuesday, CNN released another poll that helps to explain why. Last month only 37% believed the White House ordered the IRS to target conservative groups. Today, however, almost half the country --47% believe the same. Only 49% disagree.

Obama has lost Independents on this issue in a major way. Last month 36% believed the White House was behind the IRS harassment of Obama's political opponents. Today, that number has jumped 14 points to 50%.

A clear majority, 55%, believe the IRS scandal is a "very important issue."



  1. omigod shorty, dis dude not playinJune 19, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    Death by hanging for those involved in this...WHO-EVER THEY ARE!!!

  2. At least some of us get it! The 47% don't.

  3. Whether Obama did directly or not is yet to be seen but someone in Washington ordered the directive and now blaming Cincinnati IRS employees. It's so obvious what has gone on with this administration. When is the American public going to wake up?


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