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Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Letter To The Editor By Steven Rumney 6-19-13

PRMC executives receiving million dollar salaries, huge raises and profit incentives at “Not-for-Profit” hospital!
Alan Newberry

Peggy Naleppa

Alan Newberry

Compensation of $1.57 million for fiscal year 07/01/10 to 06/30/11; PRMC tax return for that period does not indicate ANY hours worked. He received $3.6 million in total compensation over the three years (07/01/08-06/30/11) with status in all but six months as “Retired CEO”

Peggy Naleppa

Compensation of $797,212 for fiscal year 07/01/10-06/30/11, about $383/hour. Her salary increased 52.9% in the two years from 07/01/09-06/30/11.

Non-profit hospitals are established with the purpose of providing service to the community and to allow donors to make tax-deductible donations. All Maryland acute care hospitals have “not-for-profit” status under IRS 501(c)(3) code which makes them totally exempt from paying income, property and sales tax. This tax-free status is afforded to hospitals in return for “Community Benefit”. All earnings from the non-profit hospital must be reinvested to improve quality and care of the hospital and is used to fund “Community Benefit” programs including Health profession education, Charity Care (more about this later), mission driven health services, and community health services. 

All spending from the non-profit must be consistent with its charitable goals and that is why disclosure of the compensation packages for executives at these Non-profit hospitals often results in shock and outrage from members of the community and potential donors. Executive pay at these Non-profits must meet the IRS criteria of being “reasonable”. But what is “reasonable”? I think it would be informative to examine the specifics of the compensation structure for executives at Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC). All data has been obtained from publicly available Form 990 corporate tax returns.

PRMC has established the mission statement “To improve the health of the communities we serve” and this is a fine goal indeed but let’s put this in context. Allen Newberry the former hospital CEO earned $1.568 million for the Year Ending (Y/E) 06/30/11 as recorded in the applicable PRMC tax return; and he was not listed as having worked ANY hours! (Found on Form 990, Part VII Section A).

Over the three year period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2011 Newberry received compensation of almost $3.6 million with all but six months of this period as a “former CEO”. I have a hard time connecting this incredible compensation for a retired CEO with the hospital’s stated goal to “Improve the health of the communities we serve”. What citizen(s) of our community benefited from this money other than Mr. Newberry himself? Whose health was “improved”?

Peggy Naleppa, the current PRMC CEO also had a very good year in fiscal year 2011. In addition to clearing the table by winning almost every local business, civic, leadership and humanitarian award possible she was compensated quite well by the hospital. 

Naleppa’s compensation as reported on the PRMC 990 return was $797,212 for the Y/E 06/30/11; an increase of almost 53% over the two years ending 06/30/11! In fact ALL top PRMC executives received huge increases in their compensation. A review of the publically available PRMC tax return for the tax Y/E 06/30/11revealed that the combined compensation of five top PRMC executives: Newberry, Naleppa, Cindy Lunsford (COO), Thomas Lawrence (former VP Medical Affairs), and Bruce Ritchie (CFO) increased by 33.2% over the previous year!

The large increase in compensation for PRMC executives contrasts quite sharply with the compensation increases seen by the typical PRMC employee. A calculation of the average hospital salary (using the hospital’s reported “Salaries and other compensation”, line 15 of Form 990 Part I, divided by the reported number of employees, line 5) yields an average employee salary of $53,381 for Y/E 06/30/11 and $52,510 for Y/E 06/30/10 when the top eight most highly compensated executives are removed from the calculation for each year. This means that while the executive team was receiving quite attractive increases during the same period the increase in average compensation for the three thousand remaining hospital employees was a very modest 1.7%. This suggests nothing more than a cost-of-living increase.

In addition the compensation package for some PRMC executives includes membership dues to Health and social clubs (Part IV, Question 12) completely financed with your charitable contributions, tax dollars and insurance premiums. These are not expensive perks but they may present an image problem. It would indicate that the hard economic times experienced by most of the nation have not found their way into the PRMC corporate boardroom! Also it should be recognized that last year while the executive pay at PRMC was soaring the hospital was busy filing lawsuits against more than 2,200 citizens who were unable to pay their medical bills; about six each and every day!

To be sure PRMC executives are not alone in being well compensated. A review of the publicly available set of tax returns (Y/E 06/30/10) for more than 40 Maryland general hospitals revealed that the average hospital CEO salary was about $758,413. And there are a lot of hospital executives who are millionaires. In the same period Maryland hospitals listed 25 executives with annual compensation of over $1 million!

Most Not-for-Profit institutions typically rely heavily on tax deductible contributions from supporters to fund their operations (and also validate their tax-free status) but contributions are a very small component of the PRMC revenue stream. The PRMC tax return for

Y/E 06/30/11 reported that revenue derived from contributions, gifts and grants (Form 990 Part VIII, line 1h) totaled only $173,096 a mere 0.04% of income! Sadly the compensation paid Newberry is more than nine times the revenue from all contributions! Other hospitals do rely more on contributions. The tax return for Atlantic General Hospital for the same period (Y/E 05/30/11) indicates revenue from contributions was more than $1.2 million (about 7 times more than PRMC) which constituted 1.4% of total revenue and more than three times their CEO compensation.

Another disturbing fact found on the PRMC tax return is that the hospital has an executive compensation and incentive program based on the profits of the institution! Part III Schedule J of Form 990 states the following: 

“Officers and key employees of Peninsula Regional Medical Center are paid compensation based on the net earnings activity of the Medical Center and Peninsula Regional Health System.” 

Additionally on Schedule J Part I, Question 6a there is the following question:
“Did the organization pay or accrue any compensation contingent on the net earnings of the organization?” 

The response in the tax return is “yes”. 

Something just doesn’t seem right. Why should PRMC, a “Not for profit” institution have an executive bonus incentive program based on profits? Maybe I am confused but I thought their institutional goal was to improve health not improve profits! Remember that Non-profits must spend surplus funds on services and programs. I have only found one other hospital in MD that also has a similar incentive plan. 

This brings up another tough question. What is the measure of performance and compensation for the CEO of a non-profit hospital? In one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject the New Hampshire Center for Policy Studies recently concluded that “there is virtually no correlation between hospital CEO pay and either quality or cost”. Instead the study found that the CEO pay more closely correlates with the size of the institution. Locally what performance metric is used to determine the compensation for a CEO like Naleppa? Is it how well she does in leading the hospital in providing community benefits or is it how successful she is in adding new wings to the hospital, expanding the span and reach of the Peninsula Regional Health System or eliminating all competition? 

It suggests to me that PRMC has an aggressive plan to strangle any competition and achieve complete monopoly position on all health care services either by buying out independent practices and bringing them under the umbrella of the Peninsula Regional Health System or simply putting them out of business. It has been suggested that PRMC has restricted referrals to independent (competing) health care providers; a very strong arm and anti-competitive tactic, potentially infringing on anti-trust law. This might suggest that the executives at PRMC think it is more important to further strengthen their provider monopoly than to provide an opportunity for sick and ill patients to find alternative treatment options. If this is true it is deplorable!

The Peninsula Regional Health System (PRHS) now contains 75 providers in 12 different specialties and is still growing. I don’t see how the market domination by one extremely large provider and a lack of choice in alternative providers will “improve the health” of our community and I can’t understand why the state allows such obvious anti-competitive practices. What I do know is that when these formerly for-profit health care providers become part of the PRHS they become immune from property and income tax, putting more pressure on other local businesses to pick up the shortfall. Also as the revenue of the PRHS increases we may expect to see further increases in executive compensation.

Other than requiring specific reporting guidelines there are no quantitative thresholds required by the IRS on community benefits such as charity care. The state of Maryland doesn’t seem interested in challenging the tax-free status of any hospital. What makes high executive pay all the more disturbing is the fact that in Maryland the “Charity care” component of “Community Benefit” provided by not-for-profit hospitals is really not charity at all. Maryland is the only state where prices for medical procedures at hospitals are determined by a rate-setting committee. The Maryland State Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) has established the rates that MD hospitals can charge for procedures for all payers including Medicare, Medicaid and the private insured for over thirty years. Uncompensated care, discounted care and even bad debt are all taken into account when the state sets the rate the hospital can charge for procedures. The hospital rate is allowed to increase to cover these previous losses. So where is the “Community Benefit” here? I am sure there are many private businesses that would like to have the state clear up their bad debt!

The question over hospital executive compensation is not only a national issue but we have the same concerns right here in our community. Only state legislators and an outcry from the public may affect any change. Jay Hancock (Kaiser Health Care News, formerly of the Baltimore Sun) recently stated: 

“Hospitals aren't Goldman Sachs. They're not Stanley Black & Decker or Microsoft, either. They're nonprofits, getting charitable donations and huge government subsidies beyond all the loot they rake in from Medicare and Medicaid. If the newly required disclosures on the IRS "Form 990" put pressure on hospital boards and CEOs to tone it down, it's about time.” 

I believe the public deserves to be informed of the facts and somehow PRMC needs to be held accountable for how our local hospital chooses to spend its abundant and growing supply of tax-free money. If you agree with me and find this information disturbing and frustrating as I do, I urge and encourage you to appeal to our legislators on both the state and federal level or contact the hospital board directly expressing your disappointment. 

Someone has to be accountable and answer why this situation is the way it is.


  1. What, precisely, have either of them done. Why the awards, much less the cash?

  2. Hit the nail on the head.... Greed, there is nothing more here than greedy people at the top. Why did she win awards, cause she has money. The rest of the workers at PRMC are nothing more than dirt to them.

    I truth they dont care about you, me or anyone... Just the dollar. Cut their pay, they will go somewhere else.

  3. WHo cares? It's not public money, you are just sufferning from sour grapes.

  4. I agree, 8:08 am...I can see nothing that either of them have done. The care at PRMC is NOT good, the "customer service" isn't either, and Ms. Naleppa is a cold-hearted woman. How in the world did the hospital, and those two, ever win awards? It's frightening to think they are "one of the best" hospitals...I'd hate to see the others!!!!!!

  5. It IS public money - yours and mine if you've ever had to go to PRMC for anything at all! For those of you who have gone or will go, CHECK YOUR BILLS - there are often BOGUS charges. The insurance companies don't care b/c they are getting their money from both sides, so PRMC just keeps padding the bills to pay the executives!

  6. PRMC sucks on various levels, their patient care is awful and they make devious decisions concerning patients based on money not the best interest of the patient. I know from personal experience.

  7. Of course your not going to see this information in the DT's because PRMC spends so much money on advertising there.

  8. I can remember up to the present EVERY year employees get told by letter/or meetings that "the census is down, or there have been too many loses this year" or some other sad story just before time for raises. Then they use the scare tactic "other places are laying people off but we are going to try to not have to do that" just so you are happy to get 1-2% raise which amounts to a few cents an hour......and be happy you have a job!! Also, Naleppa's attitude is if you don't like it there's the door! I always heard be carefull what you wish for and it is sooooooo true cause every CEO they get is worse than the one before. These heartless women they have running the place are the worse ever!!


  10. 8:24 am- Hi Mr. Public Rep for PRMC!

  11. WOW with that kind of salary and a house husband, you would think Naleppa could afford to fix her house up! It looks ghetto!!

  12. Wow Bruce Ritchie chief financial officer makes over 400,000.00 a year and they had to send their taxes to Georgia to be done?????LOL

  13. Excellent information. Thank you for running this!

  14. Here is is you trickle down economy.

  15. Also PRMC is cutting PTO hours from staff, two days this years, and is relying on the staff to keep the budget in check, so they can have more money in their own pockets! Greed is one of the seven deadly sins!

  16. Re: 8:43
    They claim $0 for advertising.

  17. Anonymous said...
    This hideous system at PRMC has been going on for years. Any doctor that has a contract with the hospital is a fool... they have under paid them. The scam of non-profits is not solely a hospital issue--just look at Blue Cross and Blue Shield with their compensation...

    Good luck changing it..

    June 19, 2013 at 8:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If you want quality health care, you need to go across the bay. I have found over there, they really do care about you as a person.
    I would rather day a full day off work and visit them than go to this dump of an establishment, any day!

    June 19, 2013 at 8:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Interesting stuff....Who is Steven Rumney?

    June 19, 2013 at 8:59 AM

  18. I added the above comments from the other Post linking to this one.

  19. That's why a band aid costs several hundred dollars.

  20. nasty, dirty, less than stellar hospital. many cna's just don't want to be there and this attitude comes through loud and clear to the patients. I've experienced this many times. no; prmc is a sorry excuse for a hospital.

    to 8:49, understand it's Never a good time for a union. this is called stinken' thinken'.

  21. Worst hospital I've ever had to deal with...no accountablity, no one's in charge....no one really cares. If you aren't sick enough to be in PCU or ICU...you may die. I spent three hours with their "quality contol" folks after our nightmare....they knew nothing about what happened. I'd be glad to chat with anyone about my experiences....

  22. To 9:20 unions are not ideal but without one at this place you (the employees) will always be treated like dirt and the big dogs make the money. You have no power without one!

  23. OMG they are taking PTO hours equalling 2 days from us. Is that fair? We do the work and they reap the benefits. You want a great hospital start treating your employees better! Give to them instead of taking away. You executives and board should be ashamed!!!

  24. They hire a lot of foreigners on visas because they will work for less.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    WHo cares? It's not public money, you are just sufferning from sour grapes.

    June 19, 2013 at 8:24 AM"

    "It's not public money?" Start using your head! It is public money and nothing but public money that funds hospitals-and it's about time you stupid people start using your brains. I've about had it with these imbeciles! Everything from Medicaid, Medicare and private insurances which fund hospitals is public money.
    You must be a democrat because the gene that makes you think has obviously been bred out of you as it has with all democrats!

  26. Peggy Naleppa already starting to brain wash management and employees telling them its ok for her to have that salary cause that is the going rate for a CEO! What a freaking joke she is. Employees don't believe anything she speaks.

  27. The only time you have any control of your situation in a place like PRMC is with a union. Not that I like or entirely agree with unions but........without it they can do and treat you however they want and you have no leverage at all.

  28. This is truly disgusting. Joe - ask about the NICU which was recently down-graded too...they are trying to keep that from the public.

    The morale at the medical center is horrible and it shows...nice to know it is a cash cow for the top administrators and the real workers barely get cost of living.

    What the H@LL is wrong with their Board of Trustees? or do they get a piece of the action too.

    All in power should hang their heads in shame.

  29. Gary 9:27

    You can file a complaint against a hospital with the MD Office of Health Care Quality. Just "bing" this name and you'll get to their website. The "File a complaint" tab is on the right. I will tell you that unfortunately some of the personnel who handle these complaints for the state are apologists for the hospitals. It appears that lack of accountability is systemic in the health care field.

    The PRMC complaint line is manned by Robin Massey, who is a good corporate gatekeeper. If you want to complain and you are not the patient they will hide behind HIPAA privacy regulations, even if your complaint is of a general nature. HIPAA privacy concerns is often used as a convenient roadblock by health care providers to short circuit any real dialog.

    You should at least give it a try. Maybe if enough complaints come in about PRMC someone will do something. LOL!

  30. if you need something critical or important done than go to baltimore or washington...some of the best hospitals in the world

  31. I would like to suggest that those who are impressed with their own self importance at PRMC spend part of their excessive salaries attending a 'How to Win Friends and Influence People" or "People Skills 101" course. They all are in desperate need.

  32. Joe I agree that any Dr that goes with the hospital and is then paid by the hospital is crazy! However, they aren't given much choice.....if they want to practice at this hospital.Hospital pays their malpractice and gives them a paycheck or they can move on. Remember a few years ago when there were a group of excellent anesthesiologist at PRMC and they hired rent-a Dr's and our excellent group could either go with them or leave. Well now it's a pig in the poke what you may get.

  33. Yep and those nurses that are foreign are a disaster. But they would rather hire them for just a little hourly wage and get rid of nurses that have longivity and know what they are doing cause they pay them a little more.

  34. But lets keep their taxes low while they wring these huge salaries out of the low paid hospital workers?
    No different than what is going on in every corporation in America.

  35. Any doctor that has a contract with the hospital is a fool... they have under paid them.

    As a family member of one of these doctors, I have to agree that they are hugely underpaid...but not sure it makes them fools. I believe the hospital is a scam on the many of the counts your writer cites, but the hard working doctors, nurses and staff are trying to play by the rules. Well, except for the ones who have figured out how to work half time but receive full pay. The hospital desperately needs to revise the method of accrued time off hours for some of their long term staff. I understand more time off is an incentive to strive for with longevity in a job, however, why do some providers work 2 weeks out of four, pad weekends, and also manage to moonlight at the ER...while yet accruing more time off hours? You're paying a full time salary, but getting a part time employee that is receiving full benefits. Fill this type of monetary leak, and give the patients the cost break.

  36. 9:27...Robin was in that meeting...they have NEVER contacted us since my family shared our story. Just lip serive in my opinion....

  37. if it makes any of you feel better. When I take anybody to the hospital and I have used a neck collar or a special gauge needle nasal canula Exedra..... I never write that down on the bill for my ambulance ride there's your things that wind up being free to the patient can you only imagine how much your bill would really be when we add as an ambulance crew what we had to resupply from them with. nope we just recently life for free we don't care we grab what we need to go we know that the patient is going to be paying enough at the hospital as it is

  38. Joe -

    This is your best post in a couple months. You need to get the author on your staff.

  39. Instead of taking our PPT and talking about pay cuts, why don't they cut some of the directors. They talked about "cross training", why don't they cross train the directors to work in different areas. You do not need a director for every department. Someone is always getting promoted, when half the directors, vice presidents, etc. should be demoted. That would save this place a lot of money. Ex: Each executive does not need there own executive assistant. Cross train them. They are not that busy that 2 directors need one executive assistant.
    They make sure they receive there quarterly bonuses, but what do we receive, a 1% increase yearly. Maybe union does need to step in!

  40. So then, who is Steven Rumney?

  41. My wife works there, and is usually an hour late every single night because of the work load. She is salary, so basically she is working "Pro-Bono" at the end of each day, giving them at least 5-6 hours a week FREE, with nothing in return. It's the same for the rest of the Nurses that work with her. Now they are taking 2 Vacation/Personal days from them as well. PRMC are crooked bastards, even to their own employees, and now you have these 2 over-paid snot-wads. PRMC needs a complete management OVERHAUL. I know MUCH more, but not at liberty to say due to my spouse working for such a screwed up hospital.

    1. I have 2 family members that work there. Rhey are livid about the 2 days taken away and yes both of them are working extra hours with NO extra

  42. I would be interested to see what PRMC's balanced score card looks like. Most " top hospitals" use this methodology for data & goal tracking so they can directly tie raises to the quality of care and outcomes. In addition, I looked on the Center for Medicare Services website at the voluntary PRMC data reporting and PRMC has not published the majority of their data surrounding infections, acute MI's, readmit rates, etc.

  43. Wow, those of you who detest this hospital, you do have choices. Like Joe said, there are a ton of top notch hospitals across the bridge and several doc in the boxes in Salisbury.

    12:24----You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Your whole post made me laugh.

  44. Anon 2:00,
    You make me laugh.

  45. 12:24 hit the nail on the head!!! And thank you to Steve Rumney for such a great and informative letter. As an employee, we have been threatened with termination if we are caught discussing Peggy's salary, even though you can find it on the HSCRC website.

  46. @ 2:00 - That person hit the nail on the head. You must be one of the idiots in management. It would explain why you laughed, because employees are actually starting to speak out and they are right, and management has nothing but excuses. We know all about it. We work there.

  47. 8:24 is rather foolish, you will care if you have to go there and pay their outrageous bills and suffer the consequences of their stupid decisions based on money rather than actual care for the patient.

  48. 2:00 the funny thing is, that post is true. Apparently you do not work closely with the executive assistants. The one on the 3rd floor( no name will be mentioned) is NOT busy. She spends an awful amount of time on her cell phone. I call it as I see it!!

  49. Is the Board of Trustees just a rubber stamping group without a mind? I am so sick of people who accept positions on boards and then show up once or twice a month without the truthful knowledge of what is really happening. To have this much dissatisfaction with PRMC in a community the size of Salisbury is appalling. What, do the trustees keep their heads in the sand? Trustees... get doing your job or resign from the board. Walk the halls of the place you are suppose to be making decisions for. Ask the hard questions from the staff and learn their true feelings. I feel sure there are some staff members who would be honest about what is happening there. Talk to the docs and ask them what the heck is going on. You people are a real disappointment. When were we going to be told that the NICU's rating had been downgraded. Instead someone had to post it on a local blog for the public to learn about it??? Sick is what this situation is.

  50. Non profits are set up so directors draw huge salaries,no different than charitable foundations,other non profits.

  51. THIS SADDLY IS SUCH OLD NEWS THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 40 years .....fortunately every ten years or so someone brings it up again THANK YOU. Just a few comments seen or heard repeatedly over those years, they tried for a union and lost! Why? Supervisors were allowed to vote! Employees were threatened told NOT to talk about it on hospital grounds, Could tell you numerous names of long term employees with excellent skills and records who were "forced to leave one way or another" just to be able to hire a new employee at a cheaper cost than someone with 20 years of service. Then hire temps who were overpd and provided a lux place to stay We know people who say if the Patient cant feed themself they dont eat! The physical care has been attrocious for years! Ask the local nursing homes how many patients they get from PRMC with bed sores and are dirty! All the real caregivers, techs, aides, RNs etc have always gotten the threats, and the low pay, worked the free hours,,,, it has been like that for 40 years! There aren't enough direct care staff to give good care and they are never appreciated. They even stopped the measly $15 grocery gift to employees and have a cookie and punch Christmas bonus instead! OH no one has even touched on the "conferences" the upper staff go to IN style It started going to H,,,,in a handbasket the year they took down the HOME PICS OF THE EASTERN SHORE, THE WATERMAN, THE CARVER and replaced it with the HALL OF SHAME oops they meant fame of the CEOS pics on rich cherry pannelling and take a pic of Newberrys office! PRMC became Newberrys way of paving his road to wealth and fame! Other misc from having family work there, and be a patient there, many promotions were awarded to those "who knew too much" The DT has always been in bed with them. .....
    " To lighten your moment after reading all this and I could say so much more,,,,,go with this old joke : Do you know why PRMC has carpet? The high heels worn by the clipboard queens and the heels on the clip board kings leather loafers were too loud1

  52. And so it begins... PRMC employees are now being threatened not to discuss or mention this. It could result in discipline procedures being taken and our termination! They simply have no right and if terminated, they'll be speaking with my attorney rather quickly. I'd like to seem them try after a disgrace like this. And yet the are pulling time away from us. We have simply had enough.

  53. You can't be serious that the Trustees approved taking two days of vacation away from employees and yet have approved a 50% plus increase in salary for the administrator. This board needs a reckoning. Do you damn jobs or quit.

  54. There is a difference in 'non-profit' and 'not-for-profit'

  55. 3:03 not that it matters, but our Christmas present has not be taken away yet. Not sticking up for prmc, but that will be the next thing gone. May be they can take that away and increase their quarterly bonus!!

  56. Don't know this guy but he has really opened the huge can of worms and they are now crawling everywhere. I have to agree with the commenter who wonders where the Board of Trustees are in all of this. Do they get huge pay for attending those meetings are is that not true?

  57. Really? explain 3:38 But the real problem isn't non-profit or Not for profit, the deal is the way the administration is running the facility and the treatment of the employees.

  58. If you notice the people on the board and with the foundation are ritsy well know people in town. It's a power boost for them! They don't give a damn about us they are all in bed together!! The people with the money are wined and dined. Like who wouldn't think Dr Todd's name should have been on the heart unit since he started it and worked his ass off? No it's the Guerri Heart unit because they gave MONEY!! That G family should be ashamed!

  59. If you don't take care of your employees, how can you have any knd of quality service?

  60. 1:17PM -

    Being a salaried employee doesn't mean you punch a clock. You do the job you were hired and contracted to do, regardless of how long you have to stay. Maybe she should work a bit more efficiently if she wants to leave an hour earlier each night.

  61. As an older person who remembers PGH from many, many years ago, it just breaks my heart that this kind of controversy is happening at PRMC. Please share the names of the trustees so that I can know who aren't doing what they are suppose to be doing. You can't let a newcomer to this area come in and ruin something that has been special to us for years. Wake up Board and do what you are appointed to do.

  62. Monty Sayler, Treasurer; William McCain, Vice Chairman; Martin Neat, Chairman,
    Peggy Naleppa, Peninsula Regional Medical Center President/CEO and Edward Urban, Secretary
    Murray Hoy, EdD; Debbie Abbott, Susan Peacock and Marion Keenan
    Hugh McLaughlin, Christjon Huddleston, MD; Michael Crouch, MD;
    Thomas Riccio, MD, President of the Medical Staff and Thomas Coat
    Farouk Sultani, MD and Herbert Geary, III

    Here are the names of the Bd of Trustees. If anyone knows any of these people make contact with them and ask they what is going on with PRMC. They are asleep at the wheel for allowing this situation to happen.

  63. Yin and Yang people,and I'm not referring to the Siamese twins in the Barnum and Bailey circus.

  64. 4:12 Really? Maybe you aren't getting the big picture here. Maybe the directors could be a little more efficient and let’s say cut their salaries by 1/2.
    Now go back to your good little management fantasy world.

  65. To 3 46 not that it matters, sorry the $15 was taken from retirees for eg my mother in law at 82 was no longer given anything for 40 years of service but punch and cookies since she was an aide without a pension she appreciated $15 .REMEMBER THE NURSES THE AIDES ALL TECHS ARE DOING THE WORK, AND GET TOSSED UNDER THE BUS they don't have enough staff to give good care, rub backs, talk to nervous patients, etc ,,, and many work extra shifts to get by and are always told by management IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE SALARY THEY MAKE IN BALTIMORE LEAVE! I hope someone sends this info to the the town where Nuberry lives! AND where Peggy was from ! And publish the names of the board and the salaries of ALL LEVELS OF STAFF PLEASE. OH and look at how expensive their health care ins is!!!! There's a lot more dirt at the bottom of this barrel to dig up.

  66. I have no knowledge of the personnel issues surrounding this discussion on PRMC but have always thought of PRMC being a fantastic resource for Salisbury and the rural communities surrounding Salisbury. Reading all these posts prompted me to do a little Internet searching about PRMC. Through Wikipedia, I learned about the amazing amount of treatments available and the huge numbers of folks treated there every year as well as the huge number of folks employed there. Through other sources including US News and world report surveys, I learned that PRMC is actually rated extremely well on patient care and outcomes. So I guess my point is that we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that PRMC should be a source of pride for our community.

  67. PRMC is probably one of the worst places that I have ever worked. This post does not surprise me in the least. Executive staff discourages employees from trying to make the hospital a better place to work. . If you do anything to make it a better place they find a reason to terminate you. I for one devoted many hours working with staff and was told repeatedly to stop. I was also able to see the patient satisfaction scores on a weekly basis and they consistently were 70 % negative. How do you run a hospital when 70 % of your patients are dissatisfied with the care they receive? I ‘am not surprised to see that employees have been threatened to be fired if they discuss Peggy’s salary or this post. PRMC is one place that loves to terminate employees.

  68. Worked my rear end off at that hospital for over 20 years--with nothing but varicose veins, bad knees and a busted shoulder to show for it. Nurses are treated like the slaves rowing the ship in Ben Hur--pay is docked for your heartburn inducing rushed 30 minutes for lunch (if you even get that much) while the cafeteria charges astronomical prices. Meanwhile other employees use their lunch HOUR to get in a run , shop , and still have plenty of time to eat. Parking for nurses is scarce and far from the hospital, sexual assaults have happened to many walking to cars at night. If you are sick you are expected to work, or forced to use vacation time. Sick time is only given for prolonged illness over week --leading to nurses working with 24 hour bugs that are transmitted to patients. It is truly a horrible place to work as a nurse.

  69. Joe, don't let this one fall through the cracks! PRMC is underpaying and overworking the nurses and techs. They are constantly threatened in staff meetings by management. And why? To line their own pockets as well as their CEO and their flakey crusts. They are pulling 2 PTO days from them yet paying ungodly amounts to the idiot managers and supervisors, and right up the chain. It's the nurses and the techs who make the real difference there, and they are being used and overworked in extremely poorly staffed areas. I sincerely hope the state picks up on this and launches some probes. Some heads will roll for sure! Again, thank you Joe for giving people a voice!

  70. Excellent job Steven! Thanks for writing and thanks Joe for publishing!

  71. Does Napella have a boss? Share his/her of their names so we know who she is responsible too.

  72. The er is the worse! They use under qualified pa that don't know what they are doing. That place is very dangerous. You must always have someone with you as a witness.

  73. To 5 17 about your research one thing you don't know is I always wondered as a medical professional how prmc managed to get such rave reviews when I could walk an inspector from JCAHO or MD thro areas and show them things that would not have been so glowing. There were medical charts that should have been audited and were not! I was in a mtg with other area hosp reps one ready for his 1st JCAHO review, laughingly Bruce an exec told him to know their names before they came, call other hospitals to share knowledge such as what areas did that particular inspector really go for, or what ones they showed little interest in,,,,,,,,,, and most of all know where they like to eat, drink, make them merry and walk quickly by areas you want to hide!

  74. This hospital has been fooling the public for years. The "Not for profit " is a mask for any business wanting the public to think it's none profit.
    They could hire more nurses , they do need them , instead they hire CNA'S with a couple weeks of training , dumb as a brick.
    I just vomited from this news.

  75. The Board of Trustees are not doing their job. The rumors about PRMC threatening employees who "talk" is a symptom of a bigger problem. What are they hiding? Can't the National Labor Relations Board do anything or is that just for unions??? If so, maybe it is time for the hospital to unionize if the administration is that greedy. As far as salaries of other non-profit leaders - some NATIONAL PRESIDENTS don't make as much as Naleppa or Newberry. It is a true disgrace. Joe, why don't you post the names of the Board of Trustees? It is public record. We need to put pressure on them to do their job and clean this mess up. And the major donors... the Hannas, Leighton Moore, etc. wonder how proud they are now????

  76. So, who ya gonna call to object to this absurd situation?

    How some of PRMC's officers and directors ("Board of Trustees"):

    Monty Sayler, Treasurer
    William McCain, Vice Chairman
    Martin Neat, Chairman
    Peggy Naleppa, President/CEO and Edward Urban, Secretary

    Murray Hoy,
    Debbie Abbott
    Susan Peacock
    Marion Keenan
    Hugh McLaughlin
    Christjon Huddleston, MD
    Michael Crouch, MD
    Thomas Riccio, MD
    Thomas Coates, Esq.
    Farouk Sultani, MD
    Herbert Geary, III

    Please put this list in a post ("Comment worthy ...")

  77. Peggy is also guilty of nepotism. Her son in law has been working there for over a year now. Let's see how fast he climbs the corporate ladder.

  78. I would say now is the perfect time to think about unionizing! Also, while the those at the top are making millions, the Electrophsiology Lab is functioning with 2 overworked and exhausted RN's. They are not going to hire any more nurses for that department either. Of interest though, is that while this department already has a manager AND a director, the powers that be are looking to hire a nurse manger for that department. I think this dept. would be better to hire 1 or 2 more RN's with that money, rather than hiring another manager.

  79. I am a 31 year employee and have just been informed that two days of my annual vacation leave will no longer be provided due to fiscal constraints. Now I know why!

  80. Just wait until Janet Dudley-Eshbach - SU's president - finds out about this salary information. I would be willing to bet you that she will begin to complain and touting about the going local rate. I would not put it past here to try and renogotiate her current salary of $272,000 and try to quadruple it.

  81. Its very simple...we musr file a class action suit representing the community (the owners) against the board. They have clearly been negligent in the oversight. They are liable for their actions.

  82. Karen Poisker snd Steve Leonard are they only two execs that have a clue. The rest need to go. This corporate looting needs to end. We (the community) are the owners of PRMC. It's time to take back our hospital!!!

  83. If anyone wants to see PRMC's tax return for 2011, go to www.Guidestar.org, create an account,it's free! It shows the top executive's base salaries, bonus compensation etc. It also shows what the hospital pays to Sheridan Anesthesia, Peninsula Ortho. It is all there in black and white, see for yourself! It is very surprising to see that PRMC pays Alan Newberry 1.5 million dollars and it also shows that he worked absolutely zero hours for that money.

  84. Peggy'often stands in a meeting and says "if you're here for the paycheck, you are here for the wrong reason"...ok Peggy...feel free to give up yours FIRST!!!

  85. The names of the trustees is listed on the annual tax return (form 990). It is available on Guidestar. Time to call them out and hold them accoutable!!

  86. And employees have to use vacation time when they are sick. Can only use sick time for prolonged illnesses or hospitalizations. Personally, I go to work when I'm sick so i can save my time for a vacation.

  87. 9:56 I agree with you. Karen and Steve truly care about the employees.

  88. It is really sad to see all of the posts that bash PRMC nurses. I believe that for the most part, most of them really enjoy their positions and take great pride in it. Working short staffed makes it hard to give every patient what they want/need when they want/need it. I am sure with more hands they could do a more effective job. I believe employees in general take pride in their work there. It is sad to see so many administrators making so much money when they take away employee benefits. When they take away "vacation time" , they are actually taking away sick time. When PRMC employees call out sick, the time actually comes out of their vacation bank. They can only use their "sick time" after specific criteria has been met. How can they afford to build bigger and better buildings when they "have " to take away from their employees? I too have heard that any employee that talks about these things will be terminated, also anyone who speaks of a union. I sure hope that the Board of Trustee's sees that happy employees makes for a more successful company.

  89. 4:43 and 7:53 I am not sure your list of Directors is correct. Look up Peninsula Regional Medical Center Board of Directors on Google and there is a completely different list. as of June 2013

  90. It is apparent to me that talking to "peggy" isn't worth the breath it takes so the only resource is to go higher. Maybe Frank Hanna whose name is on the outpatient area. Mr. Hanna is a good guy and wouldn't want this to be the situation of a place he has been so supportive of. Leighton Moore has been fundraising for them for years. I would believe he also would struggle with a place being run like these comments indicate. OK Gentlemen, the staff at PRMC needs your help. If the Board of Trustees aren't willing to do their jobs, you who donate the money need to help. Thanks.

  91. I cannot say anything about Steve Leonard but I can tell you Karen Poisker does not care one bit about the nurses. She is an a** kisser who will not stand up for you. Don't give her any credit please!

  92. Do the Board of Trustees, who are business people in this area, treat their employees with the same callus treatment as PRMC? I would hope not. They are failing their responsibility with their jobs as a board member at PRMC.

  93. 10:05 I went to the site and created acct but don't see all that. Can you further guide us? Thanks

  94. To the person who wanted to know who Peggy's boss is......it's the Board that approves her rediculous salary.

  95. Seeing that list of the Board of Trustees it's no wonder that things are so screwed up there.

  96. Thanks for uncovering another rats' nest right here in River City!

  97. 11:08 go to the website HSCRC. On the left there is a tab labeled consumers and public interest ( or something similar). Click on that. Next, click on IRS 990. This will show you the hospital's tax forms with some of the top salaries along with compensation. Salaries are somewhere near page 66 if I remember correctly.

  98. This post has gotten buried by other stuff - please put at the top of the stack for another day.

  99. OK, so now, who is Steven Rumney? I want to buy this man a drink or something!

  100. Please don't let the get buried. Please post back to the top so all can see and comment on this outrageous event. It's time for PRMC's Board, President, Execs, and Managers to have their heads rolled. Enough is enough. They need to start with Peggy, Mary Beth D'Amico and a big hand full of others.

  101. Are they being paid under the table to implement OBAMACARE .. at the expense of both staff and patients? Sounds like they are related to Lois Lerner!

  102. Please don't let this fall through the cracks, keep it at the top of the blog. PRMC employees can't stand up for themselves for fear of termination.

  103. anonymous 10:30, It IS the top post of the day in the top left hand corner of Salisbury News.

    For what its worth, I can assure you that thousands of people are clicking on that link as it still remains even the top visited Post even today.

    Learn to use those links.

  104. Was it just a coincidence that last year right before distributing the employee satisfaction survey the hospital did a market increase in salaries? Incentives were offered to employees to take the survey, however the employee must input their name and email to be eligible for the incentive. Do you really think employees are going to be completely honest? They fear retaliation. PRMC is a very hostile environment to work in. Upon receiving the results of the survey directors and managers were told to address the lowest scored areas with their employees and make them say they enjoy working at PRMC. Execs weren't interested in finding out what makes employees so unhappy and how to make it an enjoyable place to work. They like having it be a hostile environment, they know people need their job so they hold that over their heads.

  105. To 10:37's point, when the administration doesn't care why their employees are unhappy, that is the reason the Board of Trustees should be questioning Peggy and her team. Having read all of the above I sincerely hope that the BOARD will become more involved and determine just why the employees are so unhappy and disillusioned with management. This has to be affecting the quality of care at PRMC. And for all the awards the institution wins let's never forget we can make any report look good on paper. It is up to those who have accepted their board seats to take action and if they don't, then the foundation members need to stop their good work until something changes at PRMC.

  106. We should not lose sight of a couple of important facts brought up by the writer.

    1. PRMC is operating tax free on a 2012 revenue of almost half a billion dollars, with a million square feet of property.

    2. PRMC appears to have a plan to establish complete monopoly of the delivery of local health care. This causes me great concern.

    3. There have been recent high visibility issues that indicate the hospital suffers from a lack of integrity. Remember PRMC agreed to the payment of $1.8 million and the establishment of a Corporate Integrity Agreement in 2011 to settle the McLean stent case.

    4. This "non profit" hospital has a profit incentive. Aren't these mutually exclusive?

    5. The hospital derives almost half its income from Medicare and the public sector so we ought to be concerned how the money is spent.

    We should not forget these important issues.

  107. Not sure how true this is, but I have heard that the administrators have a different insurance than the rest of us. While I feel fortunate to even have insurance, if this is true it is very unfair. I heard they are still under the old plan that we all had, which was significantly better than what we have now.

  108. This article said Naleppa's income was almost $800,000 in June 2011. What is her income now? A million dollars?

  109. If the "budget" is so bad, why are they eliminating manager positions, but hiring clinical supervisors. There will be more clinical supervisors per floor, but will have about 3 managers to manage the inpatient units. Makes sense?? Not at all. One would think that this would cost more money! Peggy, Mary Beth, Steve, Cindy etc. don't care because they are not the ones that this affects. I have been in several meetings when "management" speaks about how lucky they are to have each and every one of us, that we are the foundation to this hospital blah blah blah then show It!!
    Whatever happened to our yearly bonuses?? Instead of receiving your quarterly bonus, how about we receive a yearly bonus or a higher increase instead of 1%
    I have heard that the union has been contacted. May be that is what this place needs!!

  110. Thank you Joe for this forum. I realize there are those who hate sbynews but without your blog this would stay hidden forever. Has anyone seen anything in The Daily Times or on either local TV station. NO. I would suspect it is because it would affect the advertising dollars that are spent with them. The public has a right to know these things and I appreciate those who have posted comments for us outsiders to be more informed. Please keep us posted on the progress of a union. I hate unions but with the behavior of PRMC's management I see that might be the only thing that will help the real workers. Good luck and God Bless the staff.

  111. Peggy Piggy "Bank" ought to give the staff back their 2 VAC-SICK days she has stolen from them, and then fire her fake arse. Same goes for Karen AND Steve. Steve is as worthless as Karen. And Mary Beth??? Don't even get me started on the worthlessness she provides PRMC. Besides Peggy, without a shadow of a doubt, Karen Poisker, Mary Beth D., and Steve Leonard need to be canned. They treat us very with so much disrespect, and ALWAYS lie. We are always under staffed, they know it, and it's always funny to see them leave on time as we stay late every night. I am shocked that the board knows nothing of these idiots actions. OR... maybe they do and don't care...

  112. Is there a site that one can research why the NICU was downgraded at PRMC? This sounds like a management problem. Maybe Miss Peggy can be hung with this one.

  113. FYI - Lawsuit to come soon to challenge PRMC's handling of funding, demographic salaries, and it's current non-profit status. It is currently being researched. Keep an eye open, it's coming very soon.

  114. Maybe its time for the community to demand the resignation from some of these overpaid executives.

  115. PRMC would be a nice place to work if it wasn't for the management and executives who can walk right past you in the hallway and not even look at you let alone speak! They want more out of you while they are steady taking and giving less resources man power and materials. Joint Commission needs to see the side of PRMC we see everyday..........not just a quick cover up for a week then go right back to what we did the other 360 days out of the year

  116. Thank you for exposing this. I have worked there for 25 years, and I've seen many changes, some for the better, and some not. Bottom line is this-there are MANY unhappy employees. We had been told that if we achieved a certain score on patient satisfaction surveys, and also saved money on materials and supplies we would receive a bonus based on these things. So now, we lose 2 vacation days and bonuses are nixed. But administration, Directors, and Executive Directors aren't losing anything except good employees.

  117. Prmc's trauma status list as well....

  118. What is the trauma status at PRMC?

  119. I think its pretty clear that the hospital needs a Root Cause Analysis.

  120. "I think its pretty clear that the hospital needs a Root Cause Analysis." Oh I SO AGREE

  121. PRMC not only abuses nurses, it abuses everybody but foreigners! Most of the executives have family members that are working at PRMC such as Dr. Nepalla's son in law. If I remember correctly, he worked as a delivery boy for a local florist. Apparently, Dr. Napella didn't like the idea of a mere "flower boy" tarnishing here $800,000.00 image. With that sort of salary, you'd think she could get a better facelift?? Jus sayin

  122. Board of trustees GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND. $$$$$$$. TCAB & Care Model $$$$$$ No results or false results. What a waste.
    And -- We lost top 100 hospital award. Take that "off your badge holder" and we were told "we opted out" - you all are such jokesters. Nnnooo. BIG L. "Losers"

  123. What a mess! As a former employee I am shocked. I was only a staff nurse there for a few years and started at PRMC right out of nursing school and I had a number of interactions with Peggy, Karen, and Robin and all were extremely positive. I'm just astonished by all this. And Robin Massey is one of, if not the BEST thing about that hospital.

    1. And Bev Stoakley. Robin and Bev are the only good things about PRMC. If everyone took their jobs to heart as those two do PRMC would not be in this predicament.

  124. How to save PRMC money.... Eliminate everyone who is having an affair. That would be the majority of the hospital. Why should we pay you to socialize and have an affair while working. Do it after work!! That would save on the budget. I know a few affairs going on. Anyone want names? LOL

  125. Anonymous 6:45

    Naleppa and PRMC management are fully aware of the problem. The staff also knows which doctors and nurses are hooking up right at the hospital. Because much of the sex at the hospital involves doctors who bring in big money the policy of management is to look the other way and intimidate any one who may want to step forward. No one may speak of these things or fear termination if you do.

  126. I am a nurse who is very upset about how things have gotten to be this bad. Lets not forget it takes ALL disciplines to care for patients. Nursing relies on respiratory, enviromental, physical and occupational therapy to help in patient care. We are all working short staffed and ultimately it is the patient that suffers. Management needs to remember the patient is why we are here and I don't like ending my shift knowing I didn't give the best care I could because we are spread to thin.

  127. Unions are always my last thought but I see no other solution with this problem. Obviously management is totally aware of the terrible working conditions and are not willing to do anything about it. The Board of Trustees obviously aren't providing the oversight that their positions require so what other option do the staff members have? I am hopeful the union is watching this blog and will start making their contacts. The situation is ripe for success this time.

  128. 0750 yes they are fully aware of affairs and how unhappy employees are. However, public embarrassment would be quite funny to these sneaky people.

  129. It might help if the hospital had someone in Process Improvement who didn't try to turn it into a assembly line ! Every patient is different and have different needs. We are not making industrial parts. They want the staff to do more with dangerously low staffing levels.

  130. Take this as a lesson to the damage created by monopolies. Profit potential goes up quickly when you eliminate your competitors. Thanks to a broken insurance market and Obamacare driving down reimbursements, it's becoming more and more difficult to practice medicine to a higher standard on your own accord.

    To combat a monopoly, spend your money elsewhere. IF it's not quite ER worthy, visit Your Doc's In. Choose your doctors based on their non-affiliation with the hospital. If you need an expensive treatment, seek the service outside of PRMC's unofficially exclusive service area.

    Personally, I will never give money to PRMC. Just as I will never give money to SU. I am asked frequently from both. They make plenty of money for that next big project, but they don't want to prioritize their funding to make the best use of what they already have.

    My money only goes to charities that distribute at least 75% of their income to their causes. Anything less, and I won't even consider it. SU, PRMC, WCBOE are all bloated, top heavy organizations that care less about their mission but always cry about needing more funding.

    Interestingly, the other big "non profit" around here with an abysmal record is the American Cancer Society (Relay for Life). Only 25% of their funds goes to treatment or prevention programs. So 75% of the effort and money expended by their highly motivated Relay participants is wasted on compensation, assets, and contractor services. It breaks my heart to see them manipulate a person's grief of losing a loved one and turning it into a cash cow.

  131. I've been here and I've seen it all. I was here in '90, when the union seemingly had the hospital management by the throat... we were days, if not hours away from a certification vote. And THAT board, showing a lot more wisdom and a lot more understanding than THIS board ever could, reached back into the long history of PGH (well, that is what it was then) and asked Mrs. Virginia Layfield to serve as President of the Hospital.

    And that union effort went away. Not because of any backroom deals, but because everyone then realized that they had a leader they could trust, who understood that the employees at the hospital weren't just meat-- they were friends, and neighbors, and family -- and they deserved to be treated with respect and compassion.

    Mrs. Layfield was one of the classiest women to ever grace the halls of that hospital. She was the perfect combination of grace, elegance, humility and elan.

    And right now, I can imagine she is looking down at us with tears in her eyes, sobbing for the organization and the people she loved so very much that she gave it her name to use on its newest building.

    Her name was put on the tower to honor her service and her dedication and her love for the community.

    What we will do to stop tearing down that legacy brick by brick through failures in leadership and mission?

  132. you can look up CEO comp. for other 501(c)3 non-profits and you will see that some CEOs don't even take a salary or a very modest one. this is just an example of the GREEDY, twisted, corrupt and absolute abuse of the current medical system in this country of ours. it is pathetic and truly an embarrassment. for the good and to take care of one another, there are certain public industries that i believe the government needs to run. health care and fuel are among them. we do not need Exxon selling gasoline for $3.59/gal. when a gov't owned refinery could mfg & sell it for $2.75/gal. all day long and make money. don't kid yourselves, Exxon could sell gasoline all day long at $2.75/gal and make money - just not as much

  133. The thought of Alan Newberry making millions of dollars in salary is a complete slap in the face to those of us who slogged away for decades at PRMC. I can remember working there when john Stevenson was the head--and I would see him every day in the hallway, cheerful and always greeting you as if you mattered. The hospital was immaculately clean in those days too.Edie and Virginia were also stellar. Then came Dan Akin, who while visible to employees began the beginning of the end of PRMC. What a coincidence that his wife is the sister of Alan Newberry--right??? Newberry has got to be the most impotent executive on the planet--what a worthless lazy piece of dung--and he got MILLIONS. This makes me want to vomit.

  134. This is absolutely disgraceful!! I am ashamed to be a part of this organization. I, too, believe it is time we band together and consider forming a union since it is quite obvious that no one else is looking out for the 'little people' who are actually doing all of the work.

  135. Unions are you watching this? The staff is begging for help. Please step up and help them.

  136. Doctor Donald Wood, and others, came to PGH in 1972 when it was nothing more than a brick shack and helped build PRMC into a major heart hospital that helped it to expand. His thanks? Nothing, no tower or even a room named after him. A big disgrace if you ask me.
    PRMC needs a Union for nothing more than to protect the workers from a malicious Board of Directors and Supervisors.

  137. In 1990's the union loss by 6 vote. The hospital raised salary and was paying 3 hrs pay for every 8 hrs call. Unfortunately they convinced some idiots they cared. Things chanced after the vote and not for the better.

  138. PRMC employees are not allowed to speak the truth without fear of retaliation or termination. If there are bad things happening here you are asked to keep your mouth shut by management. If you walk in on a doctor hooking up with a nurse at the hospital you are asked to say it never happened. If you suggest that staffing levels are inadequate for proper patient care you are reminded that you can be terminated and advised to "how good you have it here". You cannot even talk about the issues brought up in the Rumney article. Think about it: what he did was actually expose the truth and you can see how much pain the truth causes to the hospital management! This is deplorable!

  139. ok....I've heard all I can of this union crap....nurses...I think your profession is a truly honorable one. However, you need to understand, unions do NOTHING to benefit the union members. The only benefactor in unions is the UNION. They are sponges. They DO NOT improve your wages, benefits, or staffing. They are nothing more than leaches. I know many of you will disregard this post, but I tell you from experience. Unions do not create value for the worker. They exploit your emotions and take your money. That is all they do. Do I think you deserve better? ABSOLUTELY! The senior management needs to go. But Unions are not the answer.

  140. Those of you trying to create a sad song for the Doctors...give me a freakin' break!! They are not being "taken over". They are coming to PRMC BEGGING to be employees. They no longer have the entreprenuarial spirit. They don't want the headaches of running an office and the financial pressure of malpractice costs. They WANT to be employees. If they have it so bad why don't they go anywhere else in the country and get a job? It's simple..they have it good here and they know it. They are prima-donna's that think the rules apply to everyone except them. They think they are indispensable. Guess what you jerks...they hospital wouldn't function without ANY of us you jerks.

  141. We have a dilemma to be sure. Dr. Naleppa and Ms. Lunsford are asleep at the wheel. The bitter rhetoric from employees on this blog are evidence of their inability to create a healthy and effective work environment. I agree with 6:09pm that Unions are not the answer but I am not sure what remedies that leaves. Contacting board members in this community will do NOTHING. This is a town based on the Good Old Boy network. Monty and Marty will sweep it all under the rug. I think all that is left is a class action suit brought on the board by the community. If that is the solution, the question is who do we contact and how do we proceed? Any lawyers out there want to weigh in?

  142. So what is the deal with the exec health insurance? I heard they are not even in the same plan as the rest of us. I heard they don't pay a dime for anything on their health insurance. What kind of crap is that?!! Talk about double standards!!!

  143. So let me get this straight...when most companies run into difficult times, the first thing that happens is the senior leaders take a huge pay cut. I think they call that leading by example. When PRMC runs into tough times, they pay their FORMER CEO millions so the new CEO can take the helm and cut employees benefits and vacation time and hire the CEO's son in law because he apparently is only qualified to be a flower delivery person. Meanwhile the board rubber stamps the exec salary increases.....I don't know that I would call that good leadership. More like gross mis-management...don't you think?

  144. Robin is worthless.

  145. Give me a freaking break. Don't tell me that Bev Stockley works there. Wasn't she terminated from the county and who the heck ever gets terminated from the gov't?

    1. No. Bev Stockley does not work there. Bev Stoakley does however work there.

  146. As a member of this community, I feel outraged by all of this!! We deserve better!!!! It is ridiculous that this hospital holds so much power! What can we do?

  147. Something has to happen because it is clear executives are living in there fantasy lands thinking employees are happy and they can take as they please. Smile in our face and take what they want and then act like were great people for giving things up for the facility ...what are they giving up?

  148. And now the Electrophysiology Lab is down to just ONE RN. That department has lost 4 people in the past 2 months, and yet not one of them has been replaced! But let's hire a nurse manager that is not needed for that department. They already have an Executive Director, a Director, and a Manager for that department. Once they hire the nurse manager, the number of management staff will be equal to the number of actual worker bees. And that's a fact, Jack!

  149. Oh yea Bev Stoakley(?) works here! Funny how you can be found guilty of embezzlement, but can get a job as manager of LifeLine! Makes perfectly good sense!!
    640 you must be crazy if you think Bev is the best thing that happened to prmc! She embezzled money for crying out loud, what do you think she's doing now?certainly not being honest with the money!
    Shes also a freaking site and once again, that's what prmc represents!!

    1. Don't hate Bev because she got a second chance. Let me guess you're perfect aren't you?

  150. The administrators also get many free catered meals each week, but God forbid a sales rep. brings doughnuts for the staff. They would be kicked out of the place!

  151. How about the wonderful doctors lounge in hallowell! They have it good too!

  152. They have also stopped giving patients soap to bathe with. You now get a "bath in a bag", which is basically baby wipes. Anything to save money. No wonder they have such a high infection rate.

  153. To 11:41 I guess he went from a flower delivery boy to a stock room clerk LOL

    To 6:44 I do Please tell us names!

  154. Joe, I have read all the post and it is very easy to tell that there are many posts from actual employees. I have 2 family members that are currently long time employees. I know first hand how hard OUR local heart surgeon, Dr. Nevins Todd worked to get PRMC accredited for Open Heart Surgery by working very late nights so local people would not have to travel long distances for surgery and not be near family during recovery which in 1972 was lengthy. It is sad PRMC claims they did not apply to try to receive a TOP 100 Heart Center. They probably knew they would not pass the requirements this year.

  155. In the 90s the union lost because prmc made the case that managers could vote thats why they lost it had NOTHING to do with V Layfield,.If the EP lab used to have 4 nurses do the cases get cancelled if the one remaining nurse has the flu? Dr Nsah I think its time we hear from you.

  156. Yep, I hear the facelift queen of PRMC is "grooming" her son in law for McIntyre's position in the OR. Shouldn't be hard to "groom" him for that position since McInyre spends 3-4 hours a day in the cafeteria with her love interest from CP...but then again PRMC is known for affairs. Wasn't the CP dude the one they brought in from K&L with no CP experience? Yeah, Yeah, I know they won some award but how about all the dirty instruments the OR has to return on a daily basis because they're not cleaned properly but are wrapped & tagged as sterile or all the kits that are packed incorrectly? Didn't they force the previous manager to resign Or she would be fired because she knew more about CP than her director? The previous manager had several certifications. As of year ago, the idiots in charge of CP had failed their certification. PRMC brings in people from across the bridge that have little or no experience instead off promoting from within. Instead of tapping into the knowledge of their dedicated employees, the managers & directors see them as a threat. The more I write, the more I could expose but I do need a roof over my head. RETALIATION is what
    PRMC is all about. Let's don't forget our wonderful Craig Koppenhaver, PRMC weasel.

  157. 0900 He is a weasel. He is known to be having an affair with a manager ( with her appearance, she should not be a manager). All I'm going to say is that I have spotted them on lunch breaks together(outside of the hospital and in his office). If you're not hiding anything, eat in the cafeteria. This affair has been going on for YEARS! It was brought to Scott Peterson's attention, but nothing happened. It has been brought to Mitzi's attention, nothing has happened. They are "using" PRMC's time to have the affair! Do it on your own time!!
    They are both married and this needs to stop!!!

  158. The VERY brief time in the 90s employees in the heart lab were pd 3 hrs overtime as they often worked 12 to 14 hrs a day on your familys heart1They worked mon thro fri went on call fri thro sun and were always called in! If they were there till 4am they were expected to return at 7am on monday! I don't think that was very safe! Then a mtg was called and a woman from finance, i think named Barbara met the staff and said "what a sin it was they made so much money" and that money was stopped! NICE and that was under Newberry!
    I don't want someone working on my heart thats been up all night do you? There are many wonderful cardiologists but they need STAFF to do the job! ONE NURSE what a joke!

  159. After reading all the comments, I can't help but jump on this band wagon!
    Dr. Napella donates a car to be raffled off to raise money for the foundation...that was a joke since she makes enough in a month to buy a Mercedes.
    Certain directors/managers live in the cafeteria chatter chatting with their lovers while others lie their freaking heads off to cover their butts. They're are so many people working in this joint that don't have a clue! The come-heres show up with a pompous attitude and think we're stupid because we're from the ES. If you're cute and kiss tail, you will go far until they tire of you. God forbid, you're more experienced in your job than your boss...that will get you fired quicker than anything.
    Personally, I like Robin Massey, as for the other turds such as Leonard, Lundsford, Deal, Ritchie, Koppenhaver...they are all back stabbing non caring individuals that live in their nice homes with a hefty salary while the rest of us work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive. Every dog has hid day so they will get their dues.

    1. You are right. Exactly right. Robin is the only employee with any integrity. That POS car WAS a joke. And yes, if you are more qualified than your boss you are in trouble at PRMC.

  160. The "car donatation" was nothing more than a tax scam. That was a 1980's model ford mustand P.O.S. I would bet you a paycheck she inflated the "Value" of the donation for her taxes. Don't think for one moment there was any generosity in that move.

  161. Not to mention the "come here's" are strongly encouraged to use a certain real estate agent that is married to the flower delivery boy and by shere coincedence the daughter of the CEO. No no no....there is no nepotism going on here. yeah...right.

  162. Completely agree with 11:55am. The come here's look down their noses at the locals. I have heard several of the V.P's (Lunsford, Feist, and Ritchie) make disparaging remarks about the "locals". Maybe you should go back to Georgia, PA, and where ever else you crawled out of if you think its so much better there.

  163. To the comment about how "wonderful" the doctors lounge in Holloway is---are you kidding me.. some food if you can call it that.. some drinks and 1 TV and a couple computers to work on... Now that's luxury!!! NOT

  164. This truly wrong of the management and the Board.
    Neleppa needs to learn you manage by mutual respect, not by fear.
    I have observed the very poor behaviors from some of the staff as a patient. I am terrified of having to go to prmc for treatment because I know there will be mistakes in notes, medications, and treatment.

    I don't feel safe there nor do I trust them to care for me safely.

    Many of my friends that have gone there caught terrible infections after operations.

    This many people aren't wrong and positive changes need to occur. There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.

    Perhaps things would improve if the affairs stopped and the doctors,nurses,management actually remembered why they are there. Didn't you take an oath? If you can't be trusted with your oath,why would we trust in your care?

  165. PRMC is a nonprofit hospital, I feel it belongs to the community it serves. It sounds like the employees need the support of the community, to help them get back their vacation time and pay raises. The employees are the ones who are treating and caring for the patients, which is the community. It's not the executives of the hospital treating us it is the staff. The executive staff is too busy attending conferences and meetings, going to galas. Maybe if they took a pay cut the employees would not have to give up pay raises and vacation time. I don't want go to PRMC if they have attitudes from not being treated properly. If they are unhappy this is going to affect their performance, their thought process and decision making. I do not want to be a victim of this. I want to feel that if I go to PRMC for any reason, ER or planned I am going to be cared for by some one who actually cares. I don't want my life or anyone being compromised because the hospital is not being run honestly and properly. Where are the board members? They are community leaders who have the privilege to be asked to be on the board.....well help! You too could be affected by this too. How many patients have already been lost or received the best care possible? We will never know. Im not a blogger I don't get on the Internet to read. I heard about the letter, the public is talking about this. After reading all the post here I am telling you I am scared for myself, my family, and this community. We need to stand up for OUR hospital as a community. I suggest the executives and the board of PRMC have a public meeting with the community so we can hear the facts and hopefully put our fears to rest.

  166. 427 you must be a doctor/PA. Get over yourself!!!

    1. Imagine if they actually had to pay for there lunch and be treated like everyone else !

  167. Agree with 7:29....4:27 must be a physician. Poor, poor thing. Making hundreds of thousands of $'s a year and only a lounge with free food at your disposal. We all feel so bad for you. GET OVER YOURSELF JERK.

  168. Let's discuss the "flower boy", Larry Perdue Napella...roams throughout the hospital because he doesn't have enough work to keep him busy. He says he is just waiting until "Laura McIntyre retires" before he gets her job in the OR. He jokes how all the management personnel in the heart center and materials management kisses his (butt) cause they know he's Peggy's son in law. He will brag to anyone that listens to his cackling that he doesn't have to work cause his boss Laura McIntyre does his work for him. He is rude to anybody he feels like being rude to. All the time knowing he will be protected by everyone he's associated with in a management position. Like his supervisor, Laura McIntyre, he swears and gets away with it. Speaking of swearing, have you noticed how lots of our managers swear and use the f-bomb and nothing happens to them? The come-here's are so rude. I overheard one(she proudly stated she was down here from Pa.) to an apparent family member, she worked with stupid locals and she was the only one on her floor that knew anything about clerical work. Her husband is a department head at PRMC. Can you imagine working for that moron? Come here's- go home, we don't like you either!

  169. This is what happens when certain people gain authority especially in a smaller isolated area. They treat people like dirt using threats and any thing else they can come up with. PRMC is a huge employer in a relatively small town. It's all about padding their pockets while their employees are struggling to make ends meet. I personally know of several employees that are receiving food stamps because of the pay. I have worked in many places but this hospital is the only place I have ever worked that puts a cap on your pay. Once you reach your max there are no more raises for you. I know a lady that has been maxed out for 4 years. What joint does that to it's employees? I need a new job!!

  170. The staff includes, not only clinical employees, RNs, LPNs, CNAs, PAs, and doctors. Also treating and caring for us is administrative, they register, check insurance, answer phones, prep meals, clean, get supplies, fax , copy, and a lot of other things too numerous to list here. They are behind the scenes, but No business can operate with out them. They are paid less then the staff getting all the attention here. They are often overlooked in the scheme of things. PRMC upper management like to treat these people like the are replaceable easily. How do you replace all their years of dedication and experience?
    The cost of living goes up 2% they get a 1% increase. How disrespectful. Would the board and the management staff like their loved ones treated like this?

  171. Get out while u can. The EP supervisor wears a narcotic patch while working. The cath lab manager was a tech in Florida and the director knows nothing about the departments. But puppets on a string can easily get u fired because of lies and they are bullies. Just like administrators

  172. some very angry people. if you are going to mention affairs please give us the full names of all involved so we don't have to guess. the board --at the time---ok'ed the golden parachute for Newberry-...--Who was on the board at that time? agree that employee vacation shouldn't be cut when CEO's are getting raises. What can the employees do? Are unions an answer? what about labor relations board? are they willing to slow down or have a work stoppage? No other hospital in salisbury----where to work? all employees and doctors are limited by lack of choices. Need to hammer the board to get things right.

  173. To Joe Albero,
    Go mind your own business and stop trying to tear down the corporations and authority figures in salisbury. They have worked hard for what they get and also have families to support. When you can actually win an election then you can do something. Untill then keep your undermining opinions to your self.

    1. He speaks the truth . Getting angry just shows a sign of guilt

  174. There sure are a lot of people complaining on this site about the money that others make. Look in the mirror. Did you spend the time and money to pursue an advanced degree that opens the doors to middle and upper management jobs as well as the salaries and perks that come with those positions? Maybe there are a lot of come heres at the hospital because not enough locals pursued a higher education other than advanced mud bogging, hunting and fishing and binge natural light drinking. BTW, I am from here, but I'm a redneck with an education.

  175. Isn't it appropriate that Joe Albero would be getting attack because he has allowed a forum for those who can't speak the truth any other way. Thanks Joe for providing everyone a way to voice their concerns.

  176. I did contact the DLLR at one time & was told if it's in the handbook, PRMC can do what they want. DLLR also said PRMC can take vacation at will AND has the right to take your accured vacation if they fire you!
    WE ALL need to start taking our vacation ASAP just in case they decide they don't need us anymore. Unlike managers & directors, when they fire us, we don't walk out the door with a severance package. There are several incidents where people have been wrongfully fired because their stupor-visor/manager was intimidated by their knowledge & their own lack off. Along as the employees behind the scenes, such as cafeteria, cleaners, supply, continue to work like sled dogs the hospital will treat them that way. They never get respect at all. I have witnessed just how rude people are to these guys? I just wonder if the directors/managers of these departments could even go to dinner on what these employees make? I know with the supply people, they are treated 2nd class citizens. The sad part about this is, when someone calls downstairs to complain, their manager will agree with what they're being told, these employees are never defended! Talk about EP department heads with no experience...try being a director of all the equipment & supplies of the hospital and your previous job was air gases in a non hospital environment. Not only him but his friend that accompanied him here to the ES. Wonder who the genius was that hired him???

  177. Dear 8:40
    You smug ass. Do you realize this institution could not possibly run without the 'uneducated rednecks' you speak of? All they are asking is to be treated fairly and with respect. If sacrifices are to be made, they should be made ACROSS THE BOARD, not just by the workers who make the least!!!!!!

  178. I, for one, would like to thank Joe Albero for this post. Without him, many people in the community would never know these types of situations exist. Surely The Daily Times, WBOC nor WMDT would stick their neck out for fear of retribution. As an employee at PRMC, I can tell you there are many, many unhappy people there. I have seen it in all of the departments. This includes not only nurses but techs, IT employees, maintenance, housekeeping, clerical, and the list goes on. No one knows where to turn for fear of retribution or termination. Steve Rumney, if you are reading these posts, please help us by giving us organizations and names of individuals that we can contact for help. If anyone else out there could provide this information we certainly would appreciate it. The community as a whole is most certainly being affected by this, both by shortage of staff and low morale. We know these are tough economic times, and yes we are thankful to have jobs. However, how are we supposed to be content in our jobs when we are constantly having things taken away and made to feel so disposable? THEN to find out the higher ups are still making those huge salaries AND getting bonuses? The cap on our salaries is ridiculous. There are MANY people who have to work second jobs just to make ends meet. They are taking away two vacation days, which by the way we have to use when we are sick also. Therefore, many people come to work with bugs and viruses, not only to keep from losing all of their time, but to keep from getting a violation, or 'occurrence' as they call it. We are also being told when certain positions are being vacated, there will be no replacements. Therefore, that person's work gets added to the already unhappy worker that is left. The list goes on, but you get the gist. The bottom line is we are crying out for the community to help us make changes. We would love to help make it a hospital to be proud of.

  179. To 1:49....the reason for the NICU downgrade is PRMC is losing the neonatologist. He had private practice and wants to leave. IMAGINE that!!! But why are they making it so hush hush? If it be known probably most of the employees feel the same way but he is able to do it. Good for him I wish him luck and just maybe he will go somewhere that appreciates people!!!

  180. This is what Shared Leadership is all about- right?? What a laugh !!

  181. Maybe you are a redneck with an education but not one with common sense. 1.4million last year for a hospital CEO in Salisbury. MD where wage are kept low by the business community ( the cost of living on theEastern Shore is lower than the Western Shore) is obscene Let alone implying the rest of the staff is somehow less worthy be cause they don't have some worthless degree that has nothing to do with real life- I'll. take real life experiences over what passes for education now days.

  182. People should not forget that the hospital exists to provide the best care of PATIENTS! Not to line the pockets of the executives and not to be a playground for some of the staff. All of these issues brought up here such as poor management, inadequate staffing levels, demoralized employees, poor quality control, an environment where good employees are afraid to speak up and staff using the hospital for affairs all have an adverse impact on the quality of patient care. And if you ask people around town many will tell you about their own personal experiences with poor quality of care at PRMC. It is quite clear that big changes need to be made at the hospital. Executive management is or should be aware of all of these problems. It is not a question of what Executive management knows about these issues it is much more a question of their competence and willingness to deal with these problems and of their own personal integrity or lack thereof. It is time for Executive management and the board to be held accountable for these problems. It is time to make some BIG changes. Particularly for the PATIENTS!

  183. It is apparent the staff at PRMC are crying out for help. They can't do this themselves or they will be fired. Should we start a FB page and request help from the community? We as a community could help with getting this place back on track but if we sit on our tails doing nothing we are not serving the community well. Meetings, rallies, marches? Please let's help those who we depend on for our health care.

  184. Salisbury, which I grew up in has become a great example of the USA. Some really good common sense people who are caring loving people there. Being ruled by liberal greed monsters that believe in socialism and being above everyone. I know none of these top players, but would bet $100 they voted for Obama.

    In my personal opinion, if you support Obama, Ireton, Omalley... You are borderline Communist, or closet Communist.

    No one remembers, Hitler and how he began. What Russia is all about. THe Greed in this country has destroyed it and we will never recover unless we stick together.

    High education breads morally corrupted, morally bankrupt, and arrogant people. Common sense will always be better. Actually, if it were not for RULES that you HAD to have education, there were some pretty rich, smart people that had no degrees that could run circles around these CEO's

    People there is not place to run, no place to hide. Elections are rigged. Just pray to be with family when it hits the roof. Salisbury is no longer my home because of this. One thing I always remembered is the fun. When all the crap hits the fan, the shore is trapped. No where to hide or drive off shore to. Hope you own a boat to get out of that place.

    Good luck my friends and peeps.

  185. 9:54 Thank you. I too am an employee, and I agree 100% with everything you just said. I no longer receive raises, because I have maxed out. So while everything around us is increasing in price, my hourly pay does not increase. I am now in danger of losing my home. I am thankful for my job, I do however find it concerning that while many employees are struggling, the powers that be continue to have better insurance that the rest of us, and are still receiving bonuses and pay increases.

    And to Mr. Albero and Mr. Rumney, I would like to thank both of you from the bottom of my heart! You have given us a voice that would never of been heard without the two of you.

  186. Compare CEO pay to other employees' pay (start with nurses) across the state and region, adjust for size of community served (not hospital bed count)and see where the salaries come out in comparison.

    And remember, PRMC is considered to be a rural hospital for state and fed reimbursement purposes.


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