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Friday, May 10, 2013

Why We Should Mistrust The Government

It should come as no surprise that President Obama told Ohio State students at graduation ceremonies last week that they should not question authority and they should reject the calls of those who do. He argued that "our brave, creative, unique experiment in self-rule" has been so successful that trusting the government is the same as trusting ourselves; hence, challenging the government is the same as challenging ourselves. And he blasted those who incessantly warn of government tyranny.

Yet, mistrust of government is as old as America itself. America was born out of mistrust of government. The revolution that was fought in the 1770s and 1780s was actually won in the minds of colonists in the mid-1760s when the British imposed the Stamp Act and used writs of assistance to enforce it. The Stamp Act required all persons in the colonies to have government-sold stamps on all documents in their possession, and writs of assistance permitted search warrants written by British troops in which they authorized themselves to enter private homes ostensibly to look for the stamps.



  1. Kenya is STILL waiting for their idiot!

  2. So we should trust the people who want to be in government not to trust the government. Something doesn't add up here...

  3. What we shouldn't be trusting is ANY of those slimy thieving louts. ESPESCIALLY the ones who miraculously accumulate millions on a Senator's salary and think that congress is a CAREER. I would like to find the magic mirror that George Orwell used to peer into the future, because he nailed it. And I hope that Jefferson did, too, when he talked about who's blood needed to be spilled to keep our freedom.

  4. Imclain that was Satan's mirror Orwell, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Brzezinski, Bernanke, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Baker, Turner, Bloomberg, Gates,...etc are peering into

  5. I think the amazing thing is found in the opening paragraph - Obama is from the 1960s "Question authority" crowd, but now that they are in charge it has become "trust us"

    1. Exactly what I was thinking 9:44!


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