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Friday, May 10, 2013

Whod'a Thunk It?

What's the most rare, sought-after occupation in Britain? Lego builder. That's right, more Britons have been to space than have made a full-time living building Lego structures. Warren Elsmore made the career switch six months ago, when he gave up his IT consulting job to become a professional Lego builder. Last week, Elsmore made 1,500 Euros for one 18 inch-long, Lego corporate logo, and he can earn up to 25,000 euros for a replica of a major building. He just unveiled a 5-foot by 5-foot model of St. Pancras Station and Hotel, which includes working trains, passengers running down escalators, and a cut-away that allows you to see Lego-guests splashing in the bathtub. The model is made up of over 180,000 Legos and took Elsmore about 500 hours to build. He says that professional Lego building is "not just for grown-ups, but anyone who feels grown up." And here, we were foolish enough to believe Legos were children's toys... who knew?

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