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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Who swears more: Maryland or Virginia residents?

WASHINGTON - What the @#*! did you just say?!

A study from Marchex, a Seattle-based mobile marketing company, finds that when it comes to cursing, those who live in Maryland are right up there with the best -- or worst -- of them.

The home of "Charm City" ranked second behind Ohio for states where residents are the most likely to curse during consumer-to-business transactions. Virginia, on the other hand, is among the top five states where residents are least likely to swear during these phone conversations.

Last year, a different survey found D.C. was the worst among major markets when it comes to employees using foul language at work.



  1. Guess they didn't survey New York or New Jersey. LOL

  2. Who cares? I don't. map

  3. Gotta be Maryland residents. We have omalley and he's enough to make use swear everyday.

  4. Yeah, this is our main focus, not Benghazi or IRS rape. Look at the shiny object over here!

  5. When the 2 O's leave office no one will have reason to complain,unless of course if they are replaced by as bad or worse.As far as who swears the most it really doesn't matter as long as they don't burn down houses.


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