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Monday, May 06, 2013

Who Says You Can't Mess With Texas?

One U.S. District Judge did just that in his ruling over a San Antonio city ordinance that bars exotic dancers from "entertaining" without bikini tops. Judge Fred Biery's 29-page ruling was so full of hilarious double-entendres that its hard to believe it includes a real legal outcome. He didn't waste any time getting into the jokes, starting his decision with the sentence, "an ordinance dealing with semi-nude dancers has once again fallen into the city's lap." And, while addressing the issue in the case, Judge Biery wrote, "to bare, or not to bare, that is the question." The judge denied the injunction, meaning San Antonio dancers must continue wearing their itsy-bitsy bikini tops, but he didn't let the humor stop there. His final sentence stated that if the parties choose to take the case to trial, "the Court encourages reasonable discovery intercourse as they navigate the peaks and valleys of litigation, perhaps to reach a happy ending." We'll just leave it there...

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