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Sunday, May 19, 2013


A white family getting gas in Baton Rouge, La., was attacked by three people who said the family was in the “wrong neighborhood,” police say.

The altercation occurred Sunday night at a Chevron gas station.

WAFB-TV provides the shocking details:

[Cpl. Tommy Stubbs, a spokesman for the Baton Rouge Police Department] said a man wearing a pink shirt was in line trying to pay for gas when Donald Dickerson, 41, started making fun of him, leading to an argument.


  1. welfare animals.

  2. Move on-nothing to see here.

  3. Silly white people.

  4. Send em all to prison.

  5. The story sounds like a crime that could be prosecuted under "hate-crime" laws. Oh, yeah. Thats right. ONLY white people get charged with hate crimes.

  6. If this had been the other way around, good grief the NAACP, obama, holder, FBI, CIA, DOJ would have been crawling all over this.

    The only racists, are the blacks they just can't let the past go. Get over it. The civil war ended a very long time ago. Read some history books, and you'll find your own people created your conditions including your president who is holding you in government handout proverty. Wise up.

  7. Drop him OFF at my crib.....I WILL take care of Him.

  8. One question. What if the roles were reversed?

  9. Obama-Knights at large

  10. His street rep just got better and he's a hero to his thug buddies.

  11. You folks want to paint this as a hate crime. Let me just clue you in. A black man/family walking in the "wrong neighborhood" would be attacked just as easily. There are plenty of parts of Philly and Bmore that you better not walk through (whatever race you are) unless you know someone there, else you stand a strong chance of getting robbed and/or jumped. These folks need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As much as this type of crime has impacted whites, it's delivered even worse blows to the black community. Now isn't the time to break down based on race or politics; it's prime time we all stepped up to take back our streets from these animals.

  12. I'll just throw in that it's a shame that you'll get stories posted like this in order to stoke racial fears. What you don't seem to see in the "news" are the stories of all the community groups working to tackle these problems, even at times risking their lives out on the streets. You don't see the reports about the folks fighting to stop the gang violence, human trafficking, drug sells/addiction. Perhaps if you did, you wouldn't be so quick to paint this as a black vs. white thing.

  13. where is jesse Jackson and that scoundrel racist Al Sharpton?

  14. Perhaps if you did, you wouldn't be so quick to paint this as a black vs. white thing.

    May 16, 2013 at 5:12 AM

    But it IS a black vs. white thing.

    You can talk all that crap you want, but they are just words. And trying to justify it too? That is part of the problem.

    It is what it is and should be treated as such. No free passes on this one.

  15. this is why a permit to carry is needed. you idiots have to understand that the herd needs to be thinned every once in a while.

  16. makes me kinda wish this would happen to me driving through the hood around lake st. besides the legally concealed sidearm i have, when i get to my "trunk gun", ill take out many more of these animals.

  17. This is a good example of why we need our second amendment rights, regardless of race.

  18. 946: reading is fundamental.

    "These folks need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

    Sounds like a far cry from "justifying" anything. What I described are facts. A simple look at some crime statistics would show you that. But in case you are not convinced, dress up in black face, go cruise down east baltimore on a tonight, hop out, and walk around for a bit. You can report to us in the morning.

  19. 4:36 PM

    I read just fine, AND I even understand what I read. You seem to have issues with that. YOU were, and still are, trying to justify their actions. And then try to sidetrack the issue when called on it.

    You can back pedal all you want, it changes nothing. And neither do your snide little comments.

    It seems this discussion is over your head. That might explain the attacks.

    Go ask someone what your opinion is again.


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