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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today's Survey Question 5-23-13

Should states lower the blood alcohol content levels for drunk driving?


  1. They are fine right where they are!

    This is already too much of a nanny-state.

    Leave us alone!

  2. people don't follow the rules now. why would they follow them if they become more strict?

    the problem is not the blood alcohol content level. the problem is the consequences. punishment should be much worse for DUI/DWI and there should be no leniency for 1st time offenders.

  3. Yes... to .00000000000000000001

    Any alcohol = Instant jail time, license revoked for 2 years after sentence, insurance premium increase.

  4. No.
    Drinking and driving is like everything else; It's Practice, Practice, Practice!

  5. why dont we just ban alcohol? nothing EVER good comes from it.

  6. Shhhhhhhhh...If most people are against this, Md will make it happen.

  7. Hell No, the AAA and MADD are even against it?

  8. why not more laws, how about you can only drink pink alcohol on the third tuesday of every other month. remember it is about the children. why not go back and look at the statistics and actually see if creating all of these laws actually has done anything to save lives. this was a free country

  9. Correlation: Why does the car industry produce engines that are faster than the speed limit? The bottom line, it's all about revenues.
    Texting causes more deaths than alcohol. There needs to be a mechanism
    that blocks you from texting while driving.

  10. Spend the $ on something else already. Enough is enough.

  11. No, are you kidding?!?!?!?

  12. If the laws that are already on the books were enfoced there wouldn't be a need for more laws

  13. omigod, this is BIGMay 23, 2013 at 12:03 PM

    Because of Michelle Obama's health food drive...Governor O'Malley is starting a bill that is rapidly moving through the Senate in Maryland:

    You can be charged with F.W.D. if passed..."Farting While Driving" the troopers will be sent to "FART SCHOOL" for certification to determine if you are eating healthy foods or eggs or if you been drinking beer.

    The trooper can stop you and ask you to get out of the car; while they smell your seat area to determine the foods you eat.

  14. How many accidents are caused by someone with a BAC of .08? Do you really think lowering it will do any good besides trying to make the state more money?

  15. There is no valid safety difference between .08 and .05.

    This whole push is meant to criminalize more people. As it is, we have a larger prison system than China, who has 3x the people. Many states have private prisons which have to guarantee occupancy rates of 90% or more. We shouldn't have contracts that require us to create a minimum number of prisoners - it's a societal conflict of interest in the worst manner.

  16. the level is too low now needs to be raised

  17. Drunk Drivers KILLMay 23, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    I know thw drunks who dring and drive on here are not going to appreciate my opinion but I think an ever lower level set at .03 would be a greater idea. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! Drunk drivers have killed enough people and enough is enough.

  18. 3:32 glad you get the point, you need to have common sense. by the way don't text and drive, make sure you wear your seatbelt, make sure you don't smoke and drive, eat and drive have to go to the bathroom when you drive talk when you drive pass gas while you drive look in the mirror while you drive breath while you drive, better yet just don't drive. i am free and want to stay that way so please stop telling me what to do in the name of the children

  19. Doesnt matter. The liberal judges and scumbag lawyers will side with the criminal anyway!

  20. NO
    I'm drinking and driving while texting this now


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