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Friday, May 03, 2013

Three Teens Starved, Tortured And Killed At Gay Conversion Camp

Three ‘gay and effeminate’ teens have died after being starved and tortured at a camp designed to turn them into ‘men’.Only ten weeks prior to this photo being taken, the teen’s parents enrolled him at the Echo Wild Game Rangers training course in South Africa in perfect health.

When he was admitted to hospital, Buys was severely malnourished, dehydrated, his arm was broken in two places and there were burns and wounds all over his body. He stayed in intensive care for four weeks until he died.

Camp leader, Alex De Koker, 49, and employee Michael Erasmus, 20, are on trial for charges of murder, child abuse and neglect, along with two cases of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm in relation to Buys’ death.

‘I sent my son on this course to make him a better man, to give him a better future,’ Buys’ mother said. ‘I trusted Alex De Koker with his life.’



  1. So now the cure for a genetic predisposition is a camp in Africa?The parents need to be shot.

  2. Earlier this year the "genetic predisposition" to homosexuality was identified via DNA testing.That information has not been made public because of the stark contrast to religions worldwide.Too much credence is rooted in the alleged "choice to be a homosexual"vs it's being a biological fact.I am a heterosexual male,but I cannot dispute science.Therefore,if a change in sexual orientation is to be made,only god and god alone can make that change.


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