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Saturday, May 04, 2013

The Top 10 Things Black America Will Have To Show For 8 Years of President Obama -- None Of Them Are Good

When Barack Obama leaves the White House in January 2017, what will black America, his earliest and most consistent supporters, have to show for making his political career possible? We'll have the T-shirts and buttons and posters, the souvenirs. That will be the good news. The bad news is what else we'll have.... and not.

To hear our black political class tell it, the election of the first black US president was its ultimate achievement to date, a giant step toward fulfillment of a previous generation's insurgent agenda for social transformation. Is that real? Has the career of Barack Hussein Obama really advanced any of the historic goals of the Freedom Movement? Is the question even fair?



  1. That question is both fair and objective,two qualities that idealists hate.

  2. 100% sad, and 100% true. Obama has ultimately been the source of my awakening. The presidency is a Pre selected puppet show controlled by banking, military, and corporate oligarchs who's mottos are "order out of chaos" and "competition is a sin". Obama has been the worst thing that could happen to the black political movement. He has proven to me without a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't matter who's in office, it's the same agenda. He completely ignores the black community, and should be addressed as the first half black president. The globalist are genius for this one. What better way to neutralize black political awakening than to have reached the "proverbial mountaintop of the US government. I didn't believe a black family would be in the White House in my lifetime. So when it happened, it memorized me just like the rest of the black community. Now look at the mess we have. Bush had more color on his cabinet! Obama is surrounded by banker, and CIA buddies. He doesn't even acknowledge the black community

  3. I agree with you 100% 9:11. Yes, obama's the puppet controlled by banking, military contractors and corporate executes and the Africian American community are the puppets controlled by Obama and the rest of the democrats in power. On paper slavery was abolished but in the real USA it's not been. Whereas pre Civil War slavery was 'privatized' now it's government controlled by entitlements which the government doles out as they see fit.


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