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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Spectator Presiden

No, this is not Watergate or Iran-Contra. Nor is it like the sex scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached.

The AP, IRS and Benghazi matters represent a scandal not of presidential wrongdoing, but of presidential indolence, indifference and incompetence in discharging the duties of chief executive.

The Barack Obama revealed to us in recent days is something rare in our history: a spectator president, clueless about what is going on in his own household, who reacts to revelations like some stunned bystander.

Consider. Because of a grave national security leak, President Obama's Department of Justice seized two months of records from 20 telephones used by The Associated Press. An unprecedented seizure.



  1. does anybody with half a brain really think he knew nothing of any of these events. is that because he supposedly went to bed the night of the attack on bengahzi

  2. It certainly will never end on American soil if we keep allowing the terrorists entry to this country and allow them to own property and become street thugs in this country. Why don't they just stay home and create havoc in their country, oh that right, they might lose a hand, arm, leg or other body parts, if not their life if they don't follow their country's law/religious laws. So America allows them to come here and be the new thugs of our lives.


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