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Wednesday, May 08, 2013


To accompany TheBlaze’s coverage of the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston, we figured it could be helpful to share some gun statistics pointed out to us by some of the NRA Convention attendees. Forget the talking points used by both sides in the gun control debate; we’re going to be talking about verified statistics.

Gun control advocates be advised, these are not the statistics you are looking for.

According to data from the FBI’s uniform crime reports, California had the highest number of gun murders in 2011 with 1,220 — which makes up 68 percent of all murders in the state that year and equates to 3.25 murders per 100,000 people.

The irony of such a grisly distinction is evident when you look at which state was named the state with the strongest gun control laws in 2011 by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. You guessed it — it was California.

“What is very unusual is that California also has a program by which we can remove guns, recover guns from people who have a gun and then subsequently become prohibited or dangerous,” Brady Campaign spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox said at the time.


1 comment:

  1. Why let facts get in the way of hysteria and the march toward facism? Just because the Crips and the Latin Kings are using all their political clout to defeat new gun laws shouldn't bother you either. Ok. I made that last part up. They don't really give a crap about guns laws, except to sit around and laugh their ass off at all these white people trying to disarm themselves. Makes their work a lot easier.....keep cheering.


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