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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Butt Dial

Many of us have experienced the embarrassment of a butt dial, however, two California men found themselves in jail after their cellphone mishap. One of their phones accidentally dialed 911 from a pocket, right at the exact moment the pair was breaking into a car. The 911 operator who took the call heard one of the men say, "get the bolt and give me the hammer just in case," and then heard a window shatter. Little did the men know that as they drove away, police were already in the area searching for them based on the clues the dispatcher was providing. The pair was arrested, and charged with burglary. Perhaps they'll think twice before breaking into a car again, or at least consider that somebody may be listening.


  1. Caught by their own hand, this is great. They can't blame anyone but themselves.


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