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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tea Party Hero Cuccinelli Is Va. GOP Gov Nominee

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Virginia's activist conservative attorney general beloved by the tea party for his aggressive challenges to federal mandates has won the Republican Party's gubernatorial nomination by acclamation.

At the GOP's statewide convention, thousands of conservatives and tea party followers who dominated the Richmond Coliseum Saturday roared their unanimous support for Ken Cuccinelli, who was unopposed for the nomination.

Cuccinelli is an abortion foe who was the first state attorney general to challenge President Barack Obama's health care reforms in 2010.



  1. Cuccinelli is a member of the Christian Taliban and would turn Virginia into a theocracy. You think socialists are bad theocracies are worse.

  2. 10:13AM Your statement is cofirmation that starting in the mid-1960's, we have thrown away the values, and standards that define traditional Western culture.
    In part, this has been driven by cultural radicals, similar to yourself, who hate our Judeo-Christian culture. And an agenda is now slowly being codified into new ideology, usually known as "multiculturalism" or "political correctness", that is in essence Marxism translated from economic into social and cultural terms. As far as myself, I will gladly accept the leadership of the Cuccinellis of this Country!

  3. Anonymous said...
    Cuccinelli is a member of the Christian Taliban and would turn Virginia into a theocracy. You think socialists are bad theocracies are worse.

    May 19, 2013 at 10:13 AM

    Why don't you move to Kenya and take that Muslim occupying the White House with you.


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