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Friday, May 10, 2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Body Buried In Virginia Muslim Cemetery

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s body has been buried in a Muslim cemetery in Doswell, Virginia, reports say.

The Al-Barzakh Cemetery is located in a small community in central Virginia—about 15 miles from Richmond.

Under state law, a death certificate also includes the location of burial, The Boston Globe reported.

Tsarnaev, 26, died from "gunshot wounds of torso and extremities" and blunt trauma to his head and torso.


  1. the open-bottomed porta-potty should be set up next week in time for the first of the bus tour groups...

  2. Per the Obamas...if I was affected by injury in Boston...I would sue the hell out of Obama.

  3. Toss a dead pig on top to mark his grave.

    1. screw that. I am going to make sure I stop by there on my way to work and p*** all over his grave

  4. Should have ground him up and fed him to his brother!

  5. His mother should have been forced out of the country & made to take his body with her for burial. After all , he was setup in her eyes. "prove it to me...my (baby) wouldn't do such things." (on a terrorist watch list, how'd she get here anyhow?)


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