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Monday, May 06, 2013

Study Pegs Cost Of Immigration Bill’s Mass Legalization At $6.3 Trillion

The comprehensive immigration overhaul being taken up in the Senate this week could cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion if 11 million illegal immigrants are granted legal status, according to a long-awaited estimate by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The cost would arise from illegal immigrants tapping into the government's vast network of benefits and services, many of which are currently unavailable to them. This includes everything from standard benefits like Social Security and Medicare to dozens of welfare programs ranging from housing assistance to food stamps.

The report was obtained in advance by Fox News.

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  1. jOE ,Watch ALL the illegals flock to MD for Drivers Licences and Welfare and suck this state DRY, Then they will move on to the Next State.

  2. Illegals need to be returned to their native countries. If they desire to become citizens of the US, then they need to follow all the rules and apply for citizenship legally. That's the only way that this country and sustain itself.

  3. Social Security and Medicare? I thought a person had to pay into those programs to participate in them? Here goes 11 million votes for the Democrats. Republicans are now doomed.

  4. 1:24 BINGO!! that is just what the democraps want!!


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