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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study

When you click on the following link, scroll down just a bit to find this study. I believe you'll find it quite interesting.


  1. Is this a rain tax?

  2. You better start making your own comments. Most of your readers den't understand this stuff. The small percentage who understand have no problem with the proposal.

    Who lost their job recently for letting sewage in Wicomico river. Discussion of that subject will get you oceans of comments.

  3. Prepare to be screwed.

  4. stormwater utility rate = TAX TAX TAX TAX

    its a utility TAX

  5. Yes, this is a rain tax. I'm thinking EX POST FACTO. Your property was just ducky with the EPA, City of Salisbury, and every other regulatory agency when you bought it, and you were never informed buying and owning your property would ever be made illegal. Screw the City. This is an illegal charge.

  6. United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3.
    Read it, Ireton.


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