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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Staying In Shape


  1. She's not running from anything , matter of fact , like or not , she's your next president.
    Nothing will be done but a bunch of BS talk.

  2. Correct 8:29-Much ado about nothing.

  3. Wow, 8:29 and 10:33--you are certainly blase about the deaths of 4 brave Americans at the hands of Hillary Clinton. Of course it isn't the first time Hillary has helped murder someone, heard of Vince Foster? In fact Hillary has been a lying deviousl socipathic immoral crone for decades--she was fired from the Watergate investigation because of her corrupt lies and manipulations--in 1974. Much ado about nothing--4 brave men dead--your moral compass is broken and you have no soul.


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