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Monday, May 06, 2013

South Carolina House Passes Bill Making Obamacare Implementation A Crime

Things are starting to heat up. Expect more of this as we get closer to implementation and people start to see what a disaster Obamacare really is. Moreover, a recent Kaiser poll showed that only 35% of the public support the health care law. That’s bad.

One of the most popular posts I ever published was: Thoughts on Obamacare from a Surgeon and Friend. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do. If you have read it, it’s worth rereading.

From The Washington Times:

The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.



  1. O'Malley probably has this in the works for Maryland.

  2. 10:12 & 12:12, what planet do you live on?

  3. Thank you 7:00. O'Malley has embraced Obamacare from the get go. He was the first to set up a health exchange in Maryland. O'Malley has been sucking up to Obama, because they are two peas in a pod.


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