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Monday, May 20, 2013

Senate Democrat Claire McCaskill: Fire Everyone Involved In Obama’s IRS Scandal

Let’s be honest: There not a single Democrat in Congress who cares if the Obama Administration uses the IRS to target its political enemies. We’re the bad guys to them and they’re willing to do anything they can get away to stick it to us.
That’s why NOBODY at the IRS had been punished for this scandal before it went public and blew up like a nuclear bomb.

However, the situation has now changed because the scandal is getting traction with the public. That means this could hurt the Democrat Party.

So, that leaves them with two options: They can either play this off as a “distraction” that’s being overblown or alternately, they can call for strong action against the bad actors at the IRS to try to give the public the false impression that they care.



  1. AND they ought to face criminal charges!

  2. It's OBAMA.

    Call your Senator and Congressional rep.


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