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Friday, May 03, 2013

Scary Endorsement?

For political candidates, endorsements from notable public figures can make or break an election. Well, former Governor Mark Sanford just received one endorsement that he may not want. This week, Larry Flynt, the publisher of Hustler Magazine, formally endorsed Sanford as his pick for South Carolina's next Congressional Representative. Flynt praised Sanford for "exposing sexual hypocrisy." According to Flynt, Sanford's 2008 Argentinian affair demonstrated "that traditional values are shameful and that he will not live by such rules." No word yet on whether Mark Sanford has thanked Mr. Flynt for his glowing endorsement, or how conservative voters in South Carolina feel about electing the nation's first candidate to be endorsed by Hustler. We think Mark Sanford should be honored by the endorsement...after all, Larry Flynt sure knows how to pick a boob.


  1. South Carolina would do well to reject Sanford, heedless of the satiric endorsement of Mr. Flynt.

    Sanford didn't just cheat on his wife. He lied about it, and if I recall, that junket may have come at taxpayer expense.

    Whether or not I'm right about who footed the cost, the man has shown his character and should get a resounding boot instead of a boob this time.

  2. I am a hardcore conservative and would never vote for Sanford. I think he truly has mental issues. Why would anyone vote for a liar and cheater? No moral compass at all. Sadly, Flynt has a point.

  3. Agreed, No more career for YOU!

  4. How's flint feel about anthony weiner? it seems these 2 just can't otherwise find meaningful work.


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