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Friday, May 03, 2013

Recent Decatur Grad To Run For New House Delegate Seat

BERLIN -- A Worcester County native has thrown his hat into the ring as a potential state delegate for the new 38C district, which will cover parts of Worcester and neighboring Wicomico County.

Though only in his mid-twenties, Mike Hindi hopes to defy the tradition of voting older, politically experienced candidates into the House of Delegates.

A 2006 Stephen Decatur High School (SDHS) graduate, Hindi may be a political neophyte but believes that his genuine passion and fresh approach will be more valuable to voters than a candidate with a lengthy political pedigree.



  1. "Recent Decatur Grad To Run For New House Delegate Seat"

    I don't think graduating in 2006 qualifies for a "recent grad" after 7 years. Wannabe journalists are getting worse every day.

  2. Thus guy has a very sketchy history. Ckeck him out THOROUGHLY.

  3. He's got the attention span of a fruitfly and moves about like one. What's his real reason for running? Money?


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