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Monday, May 06, 2013

Overtime Pay Alternative Sought By Republican Lawmakers

WASHINGTON -- It seems like a simple proposition: give employees who work more than 40 hours a week the option of taking paid time off instead of overtime pay.

The choice already exists in the public sector. Federal and state workers can save earned time off and use it weeks or even months later to attend a parent-teacher conference, care for an elderly parent or deal with home repairs.

Republicans in Congress are pushing legislation that would extend that option to the private sector. They say that would bring more flexibility to the workplace and help workers better balance family and career.



  1. Most of the time they take out so much in taxes, you migh as well take the time off instead.

  2. The rub here would be that if a person is fired, then that time still must be paid because it is earned compensation time. I love the idea and support it, but see potential conflicts.

  3. Duh! Too many private sector employees already have time off. It's called unemployment. How about doing something to create jobs instead.

  4. I'd rather have the OT. If you work me 60 hours a week for a month, how can my employer afford to let me take the two weeks accrued? He'd have to hire a temp worker or force my coworkers to work OT. Better to pay for a large enough workforce to cover the absences and ensure everyone is limited to 40 hours. (PS How about addressing the OT rules for agricultural workers...which is 60 for farm labor and 45 hours for hatchery workers).


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