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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

O'Malley Using Agenda, Fundraising To Explore 2016

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- His latest legislative achievements put him in the vanguard of his party's liberal base. He's been a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama. And he's ramping up his travel to help fellow Democrats around the country.

Little-known outside his home state, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has methodically checked the necessary boxes toward earning the reputation of good Democratic soldier as he considers whether to run for president in 2016 -- a White House bid that would face long odds.

It's very early. Obama still has more than three years left in his presidency. And no one is officially in the race.

Yet, O'Malley already is overshadowed by the buzz surrounding the mere prospect of a Hillary Rodham Clinton candidacy. If not her, talk in Democratic circles turns to Vice President Joe Biden.



  1. Democrats will vote for him because the majority of Democrats are basically stupid.

  2. "a good Democratic soldier"

    Any more, that's all our choices are. Not good AMERICANS, or smart and experienced people who can do the job, but those who have whored for their party, Dem or Rep.

    Party machine bots.

  3. please, I beg of you O'Malley, do us all a favor; just pack it up and go home, never to return...

  4. "Little known outside Maryland"???? They are laughing at his rain tax from Hawaii to the Netherlands!!!! Yeahright!

  5. " the majority of DEMS are basically stupid". To be absolutely correct please remove basically.

  6. AND, considering biden? What's wrong with these people? There are no honorable democraps on capital hill, apparently.

  7. He is going to TAX your donations.

  8. "Minimal known outside Maryland"???? They are giggling at his sprinkle impose from Hawaii to the Netherlands!!!! Yeahright!


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