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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oklahoma County Sheriff: Man's Best Friend Guards Owner's Body

MOORE, Oklahoma - A photo of a mud-splattered pup taken by the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office takes on new significance after its owner's body is recovered.

"Man's best friend to the end," the Sheriff's Office posted on its Facebook page Tuesday.

Deputies initially released a photo Monday of the small black dog sitting in debris following the devastating EF-5 tornado with the comment "scared, this little pup survived."



  1. What a great story...thanks for sharing

  2. Very touching. I am so sorry for the owner's loss of life and grateful the deputy is such a caring person as to make sure this loyal friend gets a new home quickly.

  3. Thank GOD for the sheriff and bless the little dog. I hope his next home will be a very good one.

  4. What a heart warming story!!! Nice to hear about the people who care about man's best friends.

  5. Great story---thanks for posting. Thank God for the good people that reach out to the animals in need!!!


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