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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama Thinks We Won War On Terror And It's Time To Move On

President Obama delivered what was billed by the White House as a “major” speech on national security Thursday at the historic National Defense University. In short, Mr. Obama thinks the War on Terror is over, and he won it. There may be a few final details to mop about, but it's time to move on to more important things.

The speech was typical of Mr. Obama: Open with a broad sweep of history from the beginning of the republic to today.

Follow that with a laundry list of all the great things he has done to reverse the bad things his predecessor did.

Brush failures under the rug, blame them on others, or marks them as the inevitable course of history.



  1. Keep letting the radical MUSCUMS roam around America and WE get what we Deserve IE, Prisons, Colleges......

  2. This guy is the biggest puke of our times! What a huge embarrassment to the US!

  3. There goes Obama protecting the Muslims again. He wants to close down GETMO and send them to a Muslim Country that will free them. This guy ought to be brought up on charges of treason.

  4. For the record, I heard the speech yesterday and I don't think this is what he said at all. And I'm no Obama fan.

  5. 11:39 Your statement has merit, however most Americans thinks he lies and they have lost faith in his judgment. I think he has no clue what he is doing. Point is he is a Muslim and wears a Muslim ring.

  6. The real war hasn't even started yet , it's a commin people. Get ready , the silent majority will wake with a vengeance .

  7. The war on terror will not be over for Americans until the AUMF and NDAA are repealed and all the little encroachments on 4th and 5th amendment rights are restored.

  8. For the record , 11:39 am , first of all clean the wax from your ears , second , if you really listened then you would realize , he said Nothing. He just talks to hear his brain rattle!

  9. I didn't hear the speech, why bother? Im sure it was another round of Flavory Load of Bullcrap. His lips were moving - so he was lying, again.

  10. Just an emply suit. He just says what others write for him. The most worthless president this country has ever seen.

  11. Barack Hussein Obama II is setting America up for another Twin Towers like attack. His idea that terrorism has been defeated is lunacy and his affection for the Muslim Brotherhood is proof, to me, that he intends to allow terrorists to continue to operate within our borders.

  12. Pay no attention to Boston.

    Pay no attention to the bombers own relatives claims they were not radical just normal practicing Muslims.

    Pay no attention to the London Muslim Terrorist.

    Put your head in the ground and pretend the war is over. Pretend we won.

    Ignore the overwhelming evidence that it is NOT over and that Muslims are winning this war they are fighting with us.

    Muslims are Terrorist or Terrorist supporters. All of them.

  13. 3:01 - your last sentence nails it - if you read their "holy book" (I did - know your enemy) there are early parts that espouse peace - the later parts override the early teachings and espouse the practices we have been seeing lately!

  14. Anonymous said...
    For the record, I heard the speech yesterday and I don't think this is what he said at all. And I'm no Obama fan.

    May 24, 2013 at 11:39 AM

    If you are no Obama fan then what were you doing listening to this so called speech? Your comment is nothing more than a distraction you lying muslim loving piece of crap.

  15. Wasn't it just a few days ago that we were told the war on terror will never end. I guess he didn't hear it on the news or read it in the newspapers. map

  16. BUT --- we will still keep coming up with "boogeymen" to scare you into going along with our attack on, and decimation of whatever rights you think you still may have....just ask the AP reporters.

  17. Wait how can we move on from terror if Obama is the terror. IMPEACHMENT

  18. A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

  19. It's just a matter of time when some Islamic terrorist hack up an American on our streets and behead him and dismember his body. You liberal idiots are to stupid to see it coming.


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