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Monday, May 20, 2013

Obama Stresses Personal Responsibility To Morehouse Graduates

President Barack Obama on Sunday stressed the importance of personal responsibility and “what it means to be a man” in his commencement address at historically-black Morehouse College in Atlanta.

In the midst of a driving rain, Obama told graduates at the all-male private college that they have obligations to “those still left behind” to be role models for the entire African-American community, both personally and professionally.

“My whole life, I’ve tried to be for Michelle and my girls what my father wasn’t for my mother and me,” Obama said, referring to his own dad who left his family when the president was just a baby. “I want to break that cycle where a father’s not at home, where a father’s not helping to raise that son and daughter. I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man.” 




  2. I think if I was an African-American at this college his speech would have been offensive. I doubt he would have given the same speech at another college.

  3. 1246, seeming as how Morehouse specifically prides itself as being a bastion for raising strong black men to be leaders in society, I doubt this speech was offensive. Not to be offensive to you, but please have enough intellectual curiosity to actually research your topic BEFORE you spout your criticism.

  4. I agree.An indiscriminate speech would have been more appropriate.

  5. If you heard his speech, he was reaching out to blacks, women, and Muslims. He said that Muslims in this Country get a bad rap because of the actions of a few. Muslims should be deported, period!

  6. Again, it's all about him.

  7. Why doesn't he speak at colleges with white people? Why does his target group of influencees have to be role models for "African Americans"? Why are there "African American" sholarships and not American scholarships -- regardless of the person's color. Why not offer things for the general people of America of all colors shapes and sizes. This is discriminatory and as a white person, I feel the rise of dicrimination amongst other ethnic groups. Whatever happened to fairness and equality? The United States clearly lacks it.

  8. Sadly 3:30, historically black universities are a direct result of the lack of fairness and equality in America. This country has made great strides, obviously the globalist were able to persuade us to make one president. But the reason historically black universities pride themselves in their historical blackness is because of the achievements despite the oppression and racism. And yes I do believe we need to move forward and look beyond race, color, creed, etc. But I also know if we don't know our history we're doomed to repeat it. But now it's about the super elite vs. the slave population or useless eaters and they so affectionately call us all. It's about haves and have nots now, but the globalist technocracy that is reaping our constitution want us hung up on race, football, dancing with the stars, vivo, instead of the dark forces really at hand.

  9. Anonymous said...
    1246, seeming as how Morehouse specifically prides itself as being a bastion for raising strong black men to be leaders in society, I doubt this speech was offensive. Not to be offensive to you, but please have enough intellectual curiosity to actually research your topic BEFORE you spout your criticism.

    May 20, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    Anyone with intellectual curiosity would have been curious enough to investigate to determine this man you praise is not genuine. No birth certificate, sealed records, Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, etc. Need I go on? The man is a fake. He called himself a black man during that speech so anyone with intelligence would know he is a lying fake.

    My intellectual curiosity got the best of me and I determined you voted for the Kenyan didn't you!!

  10. 330, You know, your critiques would be a lot more valid if you actually knew the facts before speaking. Obama has delivered speeches at the the naval, air force, and military academies. He's spoke at Ariz. state and OH state, just to name a few.

    Sheesh, you wonder why people don't listen to your criticisms of the president on valid issues such as Benghazi? Look no further than your nonsensical rants that show you are less interested in the truth and more interested in scoring political points. How can anyone trust any of your claims if you choose to spout off with no regard for the facts on the ground?


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