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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Obama Praises Jihad-Supporting Turkish Prime Minister

Turkey’s jihad-supporting Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan received effusive praise from President Obama last week during their joint news conference in the White House Rose Garden. Obama described the Islamist leader, who unapologetically called Zionism “a crime against humanity,” as “a strong ally and partner in the region and around the world.”

This is just a continuation of President Obama’s infatuation with Erdogan. When the two leaders met at the Seoul, South Korea, Nuclear Security Summit in March of 2012, Obama called Erdogan his “friend and colleague….We find ourselves in frequent agreement upon a wide range of issues.” Not content with this level of praise, Obama added that he considered Erdogan “an outstanding partner and an outstanding friend” who has displayed “outstanding leadership.” In fact, Obama so admires Erdogan’s “outstanding leadership” that Obama has allowed the United States to lead from behind Turkey in Libya and Syria, sucking the U.S. into a swamp inhabited by Islamist jihadists.



  1. seems to me a natural continuation of the building of the turkish alliance under the former president

  2. Just go ahead and kiss him, BO! You scum. Turkey may be a fine country, but to say that there is no Jihad there would be ignorant.

  3. Let's also remember o'taxie is supporting the muslim terrorists in Lanham, MD that is being built. And the creep wants to be president.

  4. And they say Obama's not a muslim. rotflmao

  5. Yeah and MARYLAND is letting them build a $500.000.00 mosque??????

  6. Look at the upper lip-facial hair a sign he is still a muslim first.

  7. 21 BILLION in aid to Turkey in 2012.


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