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Monday, May 20, 2013

North Salisbury Third-Grader Helps Veteran Finally Get Service Medals After 67 Years

A North Salisbury Elementary student in the TAD (Thinking and Doing) class at North Salisbury Elementary School made something very nice happen on Wednesday, May 15 for a World War II veteran when he was finally presented with the service medals he had waited 67 years to receive.

When a group of third-grade students interviewed Charles Mowbray, a World War II Navy veteran, for a historical documentary, they wondered why he didn't have any medals to show from his time in the service. Upon learning that he had never received his medals, and that the medal request could take three years to process, third-grader Leanna Morris wrote to U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski's office to try to get the medals for the 87-year-old veteran sooner.

Leanna's letter yielded results in just a few days. Both Mr. Mowbray and Leanna were surprised and delighted Wednesday when Linda Prochaska of Sen. Mikluski?s Office came to North Salisbury to present the veteran with his medals and a U.S. flag that had flown over the Capitol. Mr. Mowbray's family and church family, North Salisbury students, the Wicomico JROTC and many community members gathered for the joyous occasion.

Steve Hartman of the CBS Evening News came to cover the story, and his feature is scheduled to air at the end of the nightly news at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 17. After airing, the story will be posted online at http://www.cbsnews.com/evening-news/on-the-road/.


  1. Dear Leanna Morris,

    Today we published your story about World War II Veteran Mr. Mowbray and all you did for him. Let's not forget all he did for us as well.

    I was more than touched. You have "Paid It Forward" in a way most people will never understand. You should be very proud of yourself, your Parents and let's not forget your Teacher. This is the kind of education more American's need to learn.

    You have now been recognized around the World and you know what, I see an incredible future for you. More importantly you have touched millions of people, many of whom will reach out and help others as well.

    You get an A+!!!!!!!!

    God Bless You and Mr. Mowbray

  2. What a shame we didn't know about this in time to see it on CBS.Maybe I can get it on the internet.

  3. 8:13
    There is a link right at the bottom of the post that takes you to the video.


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