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Friday, May 10, 2013

New York Corruption Investigations Lead To Legislators Wearing Wires

The New York political scene has been shaken up by the revelation that a former New York state senator sentenced to prison Thursday on corruption charges had recorded six of her colleagues as part of her cooperation with the FBI.

Former state Sen. Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) was sentenced to a year and a day in prison, days after it was revealed that information caught on an FBI wire she wore led to the arrest of Sen. John Sampson (D-Queens) on corruption charges. Huntley is the second former lawmaker in the last several weeks to admit to wearing a wire, with former Assemblyman Nelson Castro (D-Bronx) using one in an investigation that led to the arrest of Assemblyman Eric Stevenson (D-Bronx).

Huntley and Castro's cooperation with federal investigators is leading to questions of whether the New York legislature will be able to function.



  1. My oh my, they all happen to be Democrats. What a surprise. Where are you now Mr. Smoot. I can't hear you!

  2. They don't function now - what's the difference?

  3. Corruption in New York politics? Say it ain't so! At EVERY level, top to bottom (yeah, I'm including that king of buffonery, obama) they are lying, cheating, and stealing everything they can see. You think that YOUR guy is NOT?? You are either naive or so stupid you should just shoot yourself in the head now. Bribery, kickbacks, payoffs, insider trading, and exchanges of "favors" (you approve my project and I'll get your kid into Harvard, okay?) are THE way the system works. Stop thinking (and trying to convince others) that YOUR guy is honest and upfront. He/she is not and most of them don't care whether you know it or not. But whatever you do, keep cheering and on cue, start with the "USA! USA! USA!" chanting....


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