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Saturday, May 11, 2013

New Resort Condo Project A Sign ‘Tide Is Turning’

BERLIN -- As the county continues to move forward with fiscal year 2014 budget deliberations, Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason this week made an impassioned plea for funding for an ambitious school safety initiative including an armed officer in each of the school.

In the wake of the school shooting tragedy in Connecticut last December, local law enforcement and the Worcester County Board of Education formed a school security committee that produced several recommendations for safety improvements to help ensure a similar incident does not occur here. Among the initiatives proposed is the placement of a trained, armed School Resource Officer (SRO), or active shooter, at each of the county’s 13 public schools. The total package comes with a price tag in the range of $600,000 to $1.6 million, with the latter including start-up costs for the first year including vehicles for the SROs.

This week, Mason made a pitch for the entire package as the county moves forward in budget talks, pointing out the importance, now more than ever, for tighter security at the county’s schools.



  1. ....and there is a fairy godmother....

  2. Or like the NRA. Said we could train teachers and give them ccw then you would have several trained professionals at each school and it would save 1.6 mill.

  3. That's right, just throw money at it, and everyone will feel all better. One gun in the school will be at the other end when it starts, you can bet a shooter would make sure.

    The offer to solve the problem for free has already been tossed aside.


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