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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Poll: 48% Of Americans Want Obama Impeached

On the one hand, Wenzel Strategies isn’t exactly a household name in the pollster world. On the other hand, these are some mighty high numbers at this point in the game when none of the big Obama scandals seem to have gone nuclear yet.
“It may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it,” said Fritz Wenzel, of Wenzel Strategies, which did the telephone poll Thursday. It has a margin of error of 4.36 percent.

“Half or nearly half of those surveyed said they believed Obama should be impeached for the trifecta of scandals now consuming Washington.”

…And on the fishing trip the Obama administration took into AP reporters’ telephone records in search of something that may well have been done by his own administration, 48.6 percent impeachment is appropriate. That included 26.1 percent of the Democrats.



  1. should be 99%.......

  2. This may be true, and if it is, fine. I agree. But, until someone hires lawyer and can prove by law and statute, and verse exactly what the evidence is, he's going to remain in office.

    Get to work.

  3. The senate would never impeach.

  4. To many Democrats in Congress for this to happen. Obama can do anything he wants and nothing will be done about it. It's a sad situation but we were dumb enough to elect him and even dumber to reelect him again. The liberals love him and the Republicans don't have the ba$$ to even talk about impeachment.

  5. Impeachment may not happen but here's what can. No more oppressive laws like Obamacare will go through.

    With hearings and criminal investigations into the IRS, AP, and Bengazhi scandal the public should, hopefully, finally become aware and will elect not only a better president but senators and others to represent us as well.

    We The People.

  6. Proves the other 52% are the entitlement crowd and they will continue to vote for the Democrat Cash Cow. This country is doomed.

  7. Anonymous said...
    The senate would never impeach.

    May 23, 2013 at 6:42 AM

    How would you know? Being you're predicting the future, what are the next lottery numbers?

  8. LOL at 48%. Keep dreaming guys.

  9. impeach obama? yeah right! that would never happen. can you imagine the riots from the entitle minded lazy people?


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