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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

New Law In Arizona: Guns Bought In Gov’t Buybacks Will be Sold To The Public

Gun buybacks are essentially like the “Cash for Clunkers” program for guns. People bring in broken, old or sometimes illegal guns that have been used in a crime and they get paid by the government, which then scraps the weapons.
It’s a dumb idea that should be abandoned altogether, but if it is going to be done, Arizona is at least doing it the smart way. Republican Governor Jan Brewer just signed a new law that requires guns recovered in government buyback programs to be auctioned off publicly to federally licensed firearms dealers.

What does that accomplish? Well, hopefully it will pay back some of the cost of the program. If it costs $50,000 to buy the guns, why spend more money to turn them into scrap when they can be sold to licensed dealers to offset the cost of the gun buyback?



  1. Great news! Thank you, Jan Brewer!

  2. lol give them a 100 for their crap and they resell them. I thought the point was to get the guns off the street?

  3. Nah. Everything is to make money...even a rain tax...bay restoration...Do you think that money goes to our bay restoration?

  4. The point is to get unregistered guns off the street as well as the ones that people just plain don't want anymore and don't want them falling into the wrong hands. This still accomplishes those goals and puts them into the hands of those who want to take proper care of them.

  5. Anonymous said...
    The point is to get unregistered guns off the street as well as the ones that people just plain don't want anymore and don't want them falling into the wrong hands. This still accomplishes those goals and puts them into the hands of those who want to take proper care of them.

    May 2, 2013 at 5:49 AM

    Yeah right. How much did you get for them officer?

  6. 257, 549 here. I am not a LEO nor do I want to be one when I grow up! And I'm 59! And, yes, that's the whole point! Arizona MAKES A PROFIT from this program saving the taxpayers the burden of paying $100 per gun and then paying to have them cut in half before sending them off for scrap! I'M A TAXPAYER AND SO ARE YOU, and this method saves on OUR tax bill!

    Sometimes trying to educate a liberal just seems like talking to a wall...


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