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Thursday, May 23, 2013


'We've got a male-on-male problem here'
A recent military report on sexual assault in the military shocked many in Washington and around the nation, but a leading expert on military personnel revealed the prevalence of men assaulting other men is one of the major headlines in this study.

The extended analysis of the report first appeared in Monday’s edition of the the Washington Times.

The Defense Department survey of sexual assault in the military during fiscal 2012 estimated 26,000 assaults took place in the armed forces. Nearly 3,000 of them were formally reported. Just more than 6 percent of women reported being victims of assault and 1.2 percent of men said the same. Given the much larger number of men in the military, those numbers suggest 14,000 of the assaults in the Pentagon study happened to men.

Among the assaults formally reported, 88 percent of reports came from women and 12 percent from men. The numbers are getting dramatically worse.


  1. not surprised here.

  2. The problem is predators who think it's ok to assault someone in the first place. Sexual orientation really doesn't matter.

  3. Thousands of HOMOSEXUAL men sexually attacked thousands of NORMAL men.
    But GAY is OK?
    CASTRATE HOMOSEXUALS for military service. (as well as mayors)

  4. So much for the repeal of DADT not impacting our military.

    Looks like the administration strong-armed the service chiefs in to telling them what they wanted to hear in return for their continued service "at the pleasure of the president"....some that offered the truth are already gone.

  5. 726, so with all the women being attacked by men, are you also questioning whether being straight is ok?

    733, I'm pretty sure most of these dudes were gay and sexual predators before DADT. Thats like saying a gun law is going to stop a robber from shooting at you.

  6. 8:14 - they may have been gay / predators before DADT was implemented or repealed but they would have been OTH discharged before DADT...then they would have been simply gay / predators not associated with the military.

  7. but my lord n savior said this wouldnt happen. you mustve reported this wrong! obama is my hero and would NEVER lie about anything! get the drones ready.

  8. Sooooo.... Which Sexual Predator database are these individuals listed in?

  9. UGH!! I would hate to think that I was raped and violated by another man.

    I have said it before and I will say it again Homosexuality is an abnormal behavior. It is a mental illness and these creatures are sick. It is not normal for on male to put his reproductive organ in another male's excretory canal for sexual pleasure. It is not normal for one male to put his mouth on another males reproductive organ and swallow the contents. This is a sick behavior. Think about this. This is exactly what your mayor is doing and it is definitely a mental illness.

    I am sure we will see an influx or more male on male sexual assaults because this country has embraced this mental illness with open arms. The mentally ill predators know they will get away with these crimes.


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