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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Maryland State Employees No Longer Able To Include Domestic Partners In Health Insurance, Says O'Malley

The O'Malley administration has notified state employees in same-sex relationships that they won't be able to include domestic partners in their health insurance anymore.

If they want coverage, they'll have to get married.

The policy change is the result of the new Maryland law allowing same-sex marriage, which took effect Jan. 1. The thinking is that offering health coverage to an unmarried same-sex partner doesn't make sense anymore, officials said, particularly since an unmarried heterosexual partner doesn't have the same right.



  1. good! they should be married and just as unhappy as hetero married couples.

  2. You mean you all passed this gay marriage thing for nothing?

  3. ha ha ha ha, can't have it all.

  4. Well with Obamacare, spouses won't be considered dependents, same sex or not. So employers won't have to pay for the spouse. Educate yourselves. It's coming.

  5. God is soon coming, educate yourselves on the Bible...

  6. My doctor is smart and he will barter. Welcome to what you vote for

  7. You wanted it, you got it...live with it.


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