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Monday, May 20, 2013

Make Them Tell The Truth


  1. I want to see the video!
    The video of Eric the Withholder wetting his pants and Barry crying out for "FRANK!"


  2. Obama would set a new record in how quickly he confessed--what a effiminate wuss our POTUS is. Heinrich Holder would last longer.

  3. Hillary. Needs to be indited.

  4. No thanks.We don't need their help.They've done enough damage already.If we need someone to start another war we'll call them,but for now just cleaning up their mess will be the order of the day.

  5. 9:50 Do yourself a favor and turn off MSNBC. Congress voted to go to war in Iraq-Bush did not unilaterally decide on his own to strike--UNLIKE OBAMA in Libya. Obama has escalated the wars in Afghanistan, sent millions of dollars arms to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and very likely is arming Syrian rebels (AKA AL QUAEDA) You are an intellectual retard--Obama not only has continued ALL of the so called Bush warfare --he has expanded without the input of Congress. He has also put our soldiers into grave danger with moronic rules of engagement to appease the enemy. You 9:50 should be ashamed of you willfull ignorance of the facts.

  6. 9:50, don't worry about the hysterics of 10:37. You're actually mostly right as to the constitutional machinations of the current and former presidents.

  7. 1:41-Thanks for the intervention.After reading 10:37's comment I almost jumped off of my porch.Of course it's only 2 feet high,but it's the suicidal thought that counts.


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