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Friday, May 24, 2013

IRS Update

The Internal Revenue Service official at the center of the tax-exempt Tea Party controversy has been placed on paid, administrative leave. That's according to the office of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Aides there say Lois Lerner was asked to resign by the acting IRS Commissioner, Danny Werfel. But she refused. Lerner appeared briefly before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee this week. She declared her innocence, then pled the fifth in refusing to answer questions. Werfel e-mailed employees that Ken Corbin would become acting head of the exempt organizations division. He's a 27-year career veteran at IRS.


  1. Paid leave , just another vacation for this person , good way to penalize someone , send them on vacation. Thanks Obama , your the best.

  2. Tar and feathering would be too good for this criminal....


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