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Thursday, May 23, 2013

IRS Official Lois Lerner Placed On Leave

Lois Lerner, the head of the tax-exempt organizations division of the IRS, has been placed on administrative leave, an administration official has confirmed to CBS News.

Lerner has come under fire for failing to alert Congress of the undue scrutiny that some IRS officials in her division had placed on conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.

Thursday afternoon, Sens. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and John McCain, R-Ariz., the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Government Affairs investigations subcommittee, called on Daniel Werfel, the new acting IRS commissioner, "to suspend immediately Lois Lerner from her office as Director of the Office of Exempt Organizations."



  1. Did you know congress is investigating the EPA for giving 80,000 pages of property owners info to liberal enviromental groups?Where's the media on this!

  2. Obama is scheduled to visit Oklahoma..... Haven't they suffered enough already!!

  3. So, she gets a paid vacation for not testifying? I say skip the trial and go right to sentencing.

  4. I could think of something else she should be placed on...

    Like death row.

  5. she gets a paid vacation for keeping her mouth shut then she will get full retirement

  6. 6:34 - Death, is it? For asking anti-tax groups extra questions?

    The comment writers on this blog seriously need to get a grip.

  7. This corrupt IRS agent should be fired and not allowed to receive her pension. What she has done, is pure evil and against the law. She should never be given her 5th amendment rights, she took everyone else's rights away.

  8. Yeah, PAID leave. That'll teach her.


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