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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ireton Appoints Tom Stevenson As Interim City Administrator

White male over Black female. 

While I believe in Tom Stevenson's abilities and professionalism, I see a lawsuit in the making from Lore' Chambers, don't you?

Tom is the head of Neighborhood Code and Compliance but I don't think Tom has the wisdom and experience Lore' has gained internally as an administrator. 

Interesting move. 


  1. I do know this-Mr. Stevenson is alot more down to earth and courteous than his counterpart...

  2. Tom Stevenson will do a great job.

  3. Do not underestimate the wisdom of Tom. Perfect for Salisbury. Young bright and honest. New vision for all of Salisbury.

  4. WTH!!

    Bad choice!

  5. Maybe Lore is leaving Salisbury too and didn't want the position. One can only hope.

  6. Frankly, most people in Salisbury really don't care. That's why they voted for Jim. All they care about is the free stuff they get from the Democrats.

  7. She looked upset at the press conference I dont think she was ofered the job.

  8. This is a high ranking position that requires a college degree and I don't think that Mr. Stevenson has one and the press release confirms that because it is not mentioned with the bragging credentials. Just mentions a few certifications. Big deal. Think about this, do you think Mr. Stevenson or any other department head in Salisbury can get hired in a real city as a City Administrator? NO! The city department heads are nothing more than butt kissers.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Tom Stevenson will do a great job.

    May 16, 2013 at 3:24 PM

    Thanks Tom. Are you posting via your cell phone?

  10. What a joke. A town ran by inexperienced department heads and a school teacher mayor that can't even control his 3rd grade class. He is a grown man that cries when his class out of control. The only way he is controlling his employees is because of their pay checks. Remember the mayors Penis incident at Mojo's.

  11. Isn't Chambers the one that just got a PhD and goes to all those conferences with Pick?

    Does this mean the taxpayers are going to have to pay for Stevenson to go get all those certifications?

  12. From the press release:

    "...and 99% of non-compliant cases are successfully prosecuted in District Court."

    This is not true. Take any code enforcement officers name and do a judiciary case search and you will see that most of the cases were dismissed or thrown out. Another fabricated lie by Jim Ireton.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Isn't Chambers the one that just got a PhD and goes to all those conferences with Pick?

    Does this mean the taxpayers are going to have to pay for Stevenson to go get all those certifications?

    May 16, 2013 at 4:36 PM

    Um... YES! See someone is paying attention!

  14. I am not a fan of Lore Chambers, but this is proof positive that Ireton screws over city employees. I have to agree with Joe on this one, she is more qualified. I hope she doesn't get the job and I know there are more people in the city that are qualified and a better choice for the position.

  15. It could have been worse. He could have appointed Rick Hoppes as the city manager.

    Did this interim position get approved by the city council yet?

  16. Lore' Chambers doesn't have a clue , she's not qualified to even be where she's at.
    She's only there because she's a person of color.

  17. No, 5:15. You're wrong. Tom won't need to do anything new. Tom's a veteran, a leader and a level-headed guy. Ask anyone who has worked with him and what they'll tell you is you want something done? He'll work his ass off to make it happen. He's a smart and really unexpected choice. I think it's great. But it's interim. He should go back to NSCC after that. I don't think he should be the permanent choice for the job.

  18. What idiot are they going to get for code and compliance?? Save the taxpayers money and eliminate that department.

  19. Interim City Administrator - read people - this does NOT mean Permanent

  20. Tom is a great guy. Look forwarded to working with him

  21. Anonymous said...
    Lore' Chambers doesn't have a clue , she's not qualified to even be where she's at.
    She's only there because she's a person of color.

    May 16, 2013 at 6:40 PM

    What makes you think Tom Stevenson is more qualified?

  22. Anonymous said...
    Tom is a great guy. Look forwarded to working with him

    May 16, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    Being a great guy to someone's opinion doesn't mean the person is qualified and should have been appointed to the position. Give me a break! I bet you don't even pay taxes in Salisbury.

  23. Ireton has always had problems with women in authority, this is nothing new. I will say this proves that DR. Chambers didn't earn her merit raises that she was given or she should have been eligible to take over after Pick resigned.

    The fat green blob has a post about Pick retiring? Since when is retiring, moving to another state for a similar job? John Pick has resigned and we all know why.

  24. "Interim in Ireton/ Hoppesspeak means.... anyone? ... should I play the Jeopardy music?

  25. Anyone who would put "PhD candidate" on city letterhead isn't worth a crap.

  26. 9:00 PM - Why? Straight from the horse's mouth - John, was looking for a job in CO to move closer to his son. The fact John will earn 40K more in salary was no brainer in his decision also. But apparently you know more about John than he does, since you infer a deep dark secret for his leaving.

    This site is very consistent in that there is not one person qualified to do their job in the Salisbury or Wicomico government system. All these employees are sleazy, incapable fools just sucking off the taxpayers.

    Actually he majority are fine workers in the city and county but you would not know it from reading this site. You all want everybody replaced but when you had the chance you didn't have the balls to do it. So you all just keep on bitching,. Pick is leaving. You have wanted him to for years - but now you are complaining over the intrim.

  27. Anonymous said...
    What idiot are they going to get for code and compliance?? Save the taxpayers money and eliminate that department.

    May 16, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    I agree. All they do is drive by citation for grass in the sidewalks because they are to lazy go get out of their trucks to do an actual inspection. When they try to do a real enforcement case it gets thrown out of court. Don't believe me? Check the judiciary case search. That is why the 10,000 violations Ireton brags about is only grass violations.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Interim City Administrator - read people - this does NOT mean Permanent

    May 16, 2013 at 7:17 PM

    You are a real idiot. A black female with a PhD who has been sitting in the second position as ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR for several years was passed over by a white male with a few useless certifications who supervises only about a half dozen employees with a very minimal budget. Just because Mr. Stevensen is a nice guy doesn't mean that he is the best person for the job. If Lore Chambers has "no clue" then she should be eliminated from her position immediately.

    The position of City Administrator or City Manager is a very high ranking and powerful position and requires someone with great knowledge. What Ireton has done is borderline illegal and might be a loss for the city if litigation occurs.

    Proves that Jim Ireton has a hatred for women and possibly a manlove for the code enforcement guy.

  29. 6:48

    I never inferred any deep dark secrets. Obviously he is moving to greener pastures and I wish John Pick nothing but best wishes. Don't put words in my mouth, if John thought staying here was the better thing to do, I wish he would stay.

    I was referring to the green blob using the term retire, that is not the case here.

    I know some great city employees, Brenda was first class as is most of the staff. I have friends that I graduated with or know from other sources that have been with the city long enough to really retire and I would hire them spot on any day.

    I agree that Tom Stevenson is a real nice guy, however what are his prerequisite's for title of city administrator?

  30. I know Tom Stevenson and could possibly even call him a friend by definition. I find it extremely difficult to even think about congratulating him for this appointment because I know he isn't deserving and it isn't right. With that said it was the wrong thing to do and it should have never taken place. I don't care for Lore Chambers, but I hope she does the right thing and files an EEOC complaint immediately.

  31. I read at WMDT 47 site that Ireton also said he was going to make a couple other suggestions to the council including Lore'. However, we see what his knee jerk reaction was to the circumstance. If Lore was assistant to Mr. Pick, it only seems right that she would have been first choice to fill John's shoes at least for interim. No brainer.

  32. Pick is retiring AND leaving for another job, get it?

    He gets a pension of about $2,000 a month - $24,000 a year for those who can't do math - from Salisbury plus his $133,000 from the new job.

  33. Ireton is one panic attack away from a complete mental breakdown and the public should be extremely concerned about it.

    What he has done in personnel restructuring is very questionable and is going to spell a great deal of trouble for Salisbury as well as cost the taxpayers money in lawsuits when they come rolling out.

    It's is illegal for Iretonn to impose a rain tax on the citizens when Wicomico County was not included in the counties to be taxed by the governor? By what right does he have to impose such a tax? I think it goes against the charter and isn't legal. This would make a great court case for the citizens. I believe this proves beyond a doubt that Ireton just wants to get more money out of every citizen for his own slick purposes and they won't be for the betterment of this city. The monies will go to the developers and Ireton's retirement plan.

    Citizens of Salisbury, it is time to unite and fight this bastard and this time, ALL OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD.

  34. What is the difference in interim and acting? Why is Stevenson called the interim city administrator and Hoppes was called the acting fire chief? In my opinion they are both actors and could win an Emmy since they fooled so many people.

  35. Joe, please move this near the top and keep it near the other article. Thanks.

  36. A long time employee of the city was just forced out of the fire department and Ireton allowed this to happen. Now this to another city employee with experience and qualifications? Ireton and his puppets must go.

  37. Stevenson is not a dedicated public servant, he left the city a few years ago for greener pastures, then found out that it wasn't so green. then... magically a new position and department opens (N.S.C.C)thanks to Bill Holland...He gets hired back,(in a higher position and more money)....and Susan Phillips goes from BHZ secretary to N.S.C.C supervisor in about 13 Months.....Ask any "Real" Blue collard employee of Salisbury there thoughts on either of the two...They both have stepped on and over people to get where they are at today...Two peas in a nscc pod...

  38. he is very Prejudice

  39. "...and 99% of non-compliant cases are successfully prosecuted in District Court."

    I just randomly checked Tom Stevenson in the Judiciary case search and found that only 3 out of 14 cases were prosecuted. That is not the 99% that Jim Liarton fabricated in his press release. I'm not a mathematician, but that appears to only be 21% and not 99%. Jim Ireton is nothing but lies and all his press releases are nothing but fluff. It's there, check for yourself.

  40. Speaking of Rick Hoppes and the fire department why are fire crews allowed to self dispatch their fire engines on ambulance calls? Does anyone know how much these unnecessary responses cost tax payers? These fire crews also spend a lot of time at Super Giant and Food Lion. Why don't they buy their lunches and dinners on their own time like everyone else has to. Bring you lunch from home.

    1. I think most employees, anywhere, are supposed to have a lunch break and, if they have time, they can go out and buy lunch. Do you want to start micromanaging all of their lunch breaks. Probably, as you sound like you need something to do.

  41. Anonymous said...
    he is very Prejudice

    May 17, 2013 at 5:15 PM

    Say it isn't so?

    Ask the black code enforcement officer that got fired. Ask the code enforcement officer that was married to a black female and the father of mixed twins that got fired. Yes he is very racist.

  42. Anonymous said...
    I think most employees, anywhere, are supposed to have a lunch break and, if they have time, they can go out and buy lunch. Do you want to start micromanaging all of their lunch breaks. Probably, as you sound like you need something to do.

    May 17, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    The only difference dumb dumb is they get paid for lunch while most employees don't.

  43. Joe, please move this to the top with the other Mayor's post. Please keep it at the top for the past few days so people have time to reply to others comments. Please go back to being like the original Salisbury News.

  44. So what real qualifications does this guy have to run a city this size? He has a small department with only about a half a dozen or so employees and a very small budget. Jim Ireton has his mind. I am hoping the voters can do a recall on this guy.

  45. affirmative action at its best it ain't no fun when the rabbit has the gun. white people are becoming a minority now in this nation.

  46. Tom Stevenson has a bad temper and you will see it come out, he has yelled at me at the mayor roundtable meeting. He doesn't like to be questioned or have a different opinion. Look out! The one good thing is now maybe Susan Phillips will be the new head of Coding & Compliance which she rightly deserves.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Tom Stevenson has a bad temper and you will see it come out, he has yelled at me at the mayor roundtable meeting. He doesn't like to be questioned or have a different opinion. Look out! The one good thing is now maybe Susan Phillips will be the new head of Coding & Compliance which she rightly deserves.

    May 20, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    She might be another person that "deserves" the position in your eyes, but she is not qualified either. She doesn't have a BS degree. It should be a requirement if it isn't for all department heads to be educated to at least a Bachelors level, with preference going to a MS level. Search any trade journal for that trade and you will see the requirements and credentials needed. It's more than just being a nice guy or someone who "rightly deserves it."

  48. Joe, please move this to the top with the other Mayor's post. Please keep it at the top for the past few days so people have time to reply to others comments. Please go back to being like the original Salisbury News.

  49. I remember seeing Tom and the housing supervisor when they were both drunk kissing. We were taking a class out of town. What happens in the back seat stays in the back seat.


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