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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Groups Protest Potential Takeover Of The Baltimore Sun

Protesters rallied Wednesday outside of local media outlets nationwide, including at The Baltimore Sun, as an outcry over what they're calling a local media heist.

The Sun is one of 12 newspapers or TV stations under the ownership of The Tribune Company, but they could be taken over by Bill and Charles Koch, brothers who head a controversial major national conglomerate that the protesters say has a clear ideological bias.

The group called on the paper's publisher and president to come out against the sale of the media group to the billionaire oil barons. Representatives with Common Cause Maryland said their main concern is media consolidation and its effects on democracy.

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  1. Who reads the newspaper this days. Any way the Baltimore sun is a big joke. It has no good articles and has a poor delivery and customer service.

  2. I hope the Koch bros buy all the media.Then we will have some fair and balanced print instaed of 99% left leaning articles.


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