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Monday, May 20, 2013

Fruitland Police Department Press Release 5-20-13

Fruitland Police Department
Chief Michael J. Phillips
208 S. Division Street
Fruitland, MD  21826
Phone 410-548-2803     Fax 410-548-2808
Crime Solvers 410-548-1776


DATE & TIME:    Saturday May 18, 2013 @ approximately 0300 hours

 INCIDENT:      Armed Robbery
 LOCATION:       305 Elizabeth Street

 CASE NO.:          2013-0568

SYNOPSIS:        During the early morning hours of May 18, 2013 the Fruitland Police Department, along with Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies, responded to 305 Elizabeth Street in Fruitland for a reported home invasion robbery.  Officers secured the residence and initiated an investigation into the reported crime.  Led by the Fruitland Police Criminal Investigation Division, the investigation revealed that the (2) male victims were lured to the residence for the purpose of being robbed.  The suspects held the victims at gunpoint and bound their hands with duct tape.  One victim was able to escape and the other was eventually set free.  The victims received minor injuries.  Thus far, the investigation has led to the arrest of (3) adults and (1) juvenile (charged as adult).  The investigation is on going and further details will be released as they become available.  The following have been charged at this time:


Ross W. Stephens
Armed Robbery
Assault 1st Degree (2)
False Imprisonment (2)
Reckless Endangerment
Firearm Use/Fel-Viol Crime
Conspiracy to commit all of the above.

Katyln N Jones
Conspiracy - Armed Robbery
Conspiracy -Robbery
Conspiracy - Assault 1st Degree (2)
Conspiracy - False Imprisonment (2)
Conspiracy - Reckless Endangerment
Conspiracy - Firearm Use/Fel-Viol Crime
Obstructing and Hindering
Accessory After

Nicholas J. Stuetz

Armed Robbery
Assault 1st Degree (2)
False Imprisonment (2)
Reckless Endangerment
Conspiracy to commit all of the above.

Male Juvenile (Photo Not Available)


  1. This is a case of payback. Has nothing to do with drugs at all. Its over a girl and one of the boys took a shotgun. To scare them. Just idiot young adults doing something stupid. Only One person will be held accountable and he will get 2 years or less on work release.

  2. If that's the case above... then they should all get multiple years for using a gun in a crime.. regardless of the reason "why"

    Being stupid does not relinquish you from responsibility. I think you will find out that this will end of badly for the suspects... gun crimes are very bad and have mandatory minimums

  3. 8pm Not really following your thinking about the drugs. I don't see anywhere in the press release where drugs are mentioned.

    "one of the boys took a shotgun. To scare them" , well,
    I also read in the paper where the other boy used duck tape to secure them & had a bat with him. Sounds to me they wanted to do more than scare them.

  4. Pay back or robbery makes no difference they broke the law and should be held accountable for their actions! If this was a payback they took the law into their own hands and deserve the sentence they get. People doing things like this are the causes guns get a bad rap.

    The courts should set an example of this case and give all involved the maximum possible sentence with no chances of a reduced sentence or parole.

  5. I am sure Ross's parents are just thrilled about this. He comes from a nice home and had everything handed to him and then turns around and does stupid stuff like this. What a loser!

  6. sadly, that girl will do anything her boyfriend tells her to do. she worships the ground he walks on & if he says jump she asks how high. i have known them for years now and its hard to believe that ross would be something of this sort without being persuaded heavily. hes such a genuine guy and comes from a loving family. not sure what has gotten into him. hopefully they all will learn a valuable lesson & won't just get a slap on the wrist. they are young enough to learn from their mistakes yet old enough to know better.

  7. The younger brother will get off. The older brother will take the fall on this one. The Stephens brothers, especially the younger, are spoiled brats who can do no wrong. In the newspaper, it states how much the younger brother is active in school and has an internship this summer. No mention of why he had to change boy scout troops and his problems with bullying and other unsavory activities. Their parents act like these brats are saints when they've raised little monsters with a sense of entitlement.

  8. As a parent upon hearing of this story I immediately sat my kids down and explained to them that all the hard work you put into making your life better can be completely erased and your life ruined by one dumb decision. These men and woman knew what they were doing. Young people see actors doing things like this in movies and think that they can get away with it. Take this opportunity to explain to your kids about smart decisions and use this as an example. Reward your kids, but don't just hand them everything and make them think they're perfect and untouchable. This crews life is RUINED, take 5 or 10 years in prison to think about it. While you're at it, Youtube 'Tossed salad man' that keeps me on the straight and narrow.

  9. He had to change Scouts for some "unknown" reason... and supposed had gag order placed on the Troop etc..
    The parents have been covering up everything for years.

    Where there is smoke there is fire.. and the family has had a full blown inferno brewing for a decade or more.

    Supposedly a real bully at Bennett--needs some real discipline and I think some jail time would provide that.

  10. To all of those posting about how these boys parents raised them, get off your high horse already. The older brother is an adult and has lived on his own for a few years now, he can make his own decisions. His decisions are NOT a reflection of how his parents raised him. Ross is a college student and while he attended school, many of you talking trash are the same ones who would any other time have boasted about how wonderful of a young man he was, how he worked hard in school while maintaining two jobs...& that all would have been a result of being raised correctly. It's only when people make bad choices that others will question how they were raised. It's absurd the immaturity that some of you display. As you guys sit behind a computer judging his parents, perhaps others should judge yours for raising such ignorant judgmental beings.

  11. That katyln Jones is a great looking gal, she will do great up at the jail. The guards will LOVE her big time! Huba Huba!!

  12. well sbygrl16 the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree. We don't care if he attended college the fact of the matter is he broke the law. It wasn't just being forgetful and going over the speed limit. They broke into someones HOME to steal then they assaulted the victim. They also had a gun with them. So they either were afraid they might get hurt but had no problem hurting someone else. You usually come out of the woodwork to make excuses for people and to bash others. Maybe you should give them the same advice you gave us here "use your heads, idiots". Maybe they will listen to your voice or reason.

    1. i wish I could like this comment.


  13. Their parents are the ones who excused bad behavior after bad behavior instead of addressing the issues early in life---No they blamed everyone else.

    Some kids go wrong and the parents have tried to give tough love.... that is not the case here.. it was give them whatever they want and anyone that got in the way--well they were wrong!

    And if he had a drug problem... get him help...force it

  14. @ anonymous 1:32pm- know the facts of the story. They didn't break into anyone's home. They were at the home of one of the suspects when the female invited the victims over. For the record, I had given him advice many of times in the past when I knew he was heading down the wrong path. But he knew it all at 20 yrs old. I saw the path he was going down and I knew it wouldn't end well. Unfortunately, he was chasing money the wrong way. I know Ross on a personal level and his parents; that's why I can say that his parents are not to blame. ADULTS must be responsible for their own actions. What he did was wrong, and the others as well. They broke the law and they need to be reprimanded for what they have done. I hope the judge gives them what they deserve and use them as an example to all these kids out here that think they are unstoppable and that nothing bad will ever happen to them.

  15. a commenter said that this should be ok because they were just using a gun "to scare them".... seriously? isn't that why all criminals use guns? And, many don't "mean" to harm anyone until the gun goes off. this group is very lucky this wasn't the case this time around.

  16. Unfortunately, none of the Stephens men are lacking self confidence. Arrogance from the Dad on down.

  17. Is Steutz still in jail? I heard he is. Hey Todd? Why not bail him out too?

  18. 1:19, Todd Stephens is the father of Ross Stephens and the "male juvenile" who has now been named in the press as Gavin. The family seems to have some money.

    "kids" do stupid things but this does not seem like a careless or thoughtless act. It seems to have been deliberately planned.

    People who are constantly running around saying "don't judge" and blaming everyone but the bad actors are the reason why society is the way it is today.

  19. I know this is old story but want to say....My what a friendly community! My community is also full of MOUTHS that dont need to be opened to talk about others-who's shoes dont fit U! And go by the first things a 'reporter' digs up usually before actual facts are sorted out. Or what the Smith's dog told your cat, who told u. So most have decided guilty..because the parents! Not always. but same would be said if parents were drug addicts. Not good circumstances left me in position I was able 2 spend time with teens(son's friends) last summer I was shocked at how many homeless or wouldnt go home. But more shocked at (a lot of)boys with 'guns'AIR guns that look real. I had taken 2 from MY own son (painted them pink & orange, put back & they havnt left that spot). A teen has used my bathroom-left gun on counter. Now I have 3 guns. WHY? ANYWAY the BEST COMMENT here by anonymous parent May 21st is sit your KIDS down.. talk. U NEVER KNOW..keep talking all the way to making sure they know, God forbid, Miranda rights-It means hush & lawyer up no matter what.HUG THEM-They can be taken from U in a split second......life ruined!
    3 adults(18-20) & my 16 yr old has been in jail 5 months-162 days waiting trial for 3 felonys. Murder, conspiracy, felony w/gun. He was lead to believe they were stopping by friends & try to collect $ owed on car(I think 2 of the boys used my kids to get victim,my sons friend to come out of house or whatever)& used 4th person only because she could drive. long story short-cause all r different as to who was where. The 2 adult 'boys'-1 got the gun-the other used it to shot 17 yr old in head, died 2 days later. Those 2 days 2 of older boys followed/watched/threatened my son (not to tell) Which others did. Cops said thats biggest reason for all the charges-he didnt tell..Nor would have I in fear of being shot also! 3 felony's. He did not kill his friend (or witness it)-he did not touch a gun. & says when they were supposedly planning this he was in another room smoking a blunt(joint)playing video game & thats what witness's stated!Im devastated as he is my only family & now i may not see grandkids because ONE dumbass(felon already) decided to pull trigger over $400...5 familys destroyed. Didnt see that coming. Im not a great(single)parent. But Im not a bad one either. U really never know


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