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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Florida Teen Rejects Plea Deal In Controversial Same-Sex Case

(CNN) -- Eighteen-year-old Kaitlyn Hunt, charged with a crime for having sex with a 14-year-old girl, rejected a deal Friday that would have required her to plead guilty to child abuse, according to Hunt's attorney.

Hunt was charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious battery after the parents of the 14-year-old went to authorities. Hunt's family says their relationship was consensual, but in Florida a person under the age of 16 is not legally able to give consent to sex.

If Hunt is convicted, she could go to prison for 15 years -- a reality that touched off a maelstrom of controversy across the country this past week. The case became widely known when Hunt's family began an online campaign in defense of their daughter.


  1. She's cute, but what would make her want to live a perverted lifestyle. I hope they convict her on all counts.

  2. She's going to be sorry for doing that....

  3. this is what happens when you allow gays to get married. now they think it's a natural thing and don't even think about age. this girl's a criminal and a predator and she should be buried underneath a prison

  4. Anonymous said...
    this is what happens when you allow gays to get married. now they think it's a natural thing and don't even think about age. this girl's a criminal and a predator and she should be buried underneath a prison

    May 26, 2013 at 11:30 AM

    I agree. This is one perverted country. It is well known by many that Barack Hussein Obama has traveled in many underground gay circles and Jerimiah Wright set up Michelle Obama for a wedding to make it look like they were a normal couple. He is gay and that is why he now openly supports gay marriage. He has a mental illness just like Salisbury's mayor.

  5. Whoops! She will regret that. Some lawyer is going to get rich AND famous on this one. And Hunt will still go down.

  6. The whole "gay movement" is about legalizing pedophilia. Now that people are accepting gay marriage watch what they want next...Our children.

  7. 1:45 LMAO, that's rich.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Whoops! She will regret that. Some lawyer is going to get rich AND famous on this one. And Hunt will still go down.

    May 27, 2013 at 7:56 AM

    Go down... no pun intended.


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