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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Evangelical Weakness In Gay Boy Scouts Debate Could Hurt GOP

Signs of waning evangelical power in the nation’s culture wars and in Republican policy — and some unexpected challenges for GOP candidates — loom as the 103-year-old Boy Scouts of America gears up for a definitive vote this week on whether to welcome openly gay youths into the organization’s ranks.

If the BSA delegates gathering just outside Dallas vote to admit gays, it will reinforce the growing notion that evangelical Protestants and their conservative Catholic allies no longer can muster their troops as they once did, in such battles as state referendums over same-sex marriage and the 1996 enactment of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

“There’s no lobby more vicious than the homosexual lobby, and the 65 to 80 million-member evangelical constituency provides no troops for the fight against that lobby,” said David Lane, president of Pastors & Pews and a leading religious right political organizer. “Evangelicals are playing checkers in a chess game.”

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  1. Historically, condoning/tolerating homosexual behavior was the beginning of the downfall of a number of great civilizations.

    We have our liberal in chief and his sidekick Joe at the highest levels starting this slide.....

  2. 4:31 It is Religion that's to blame, not homosexuality. Religion causes 99.9% of all the crap stirred up in the world. My god is better than your god crap.

    And who cares about the boy scouts, they've had sexual criminals in their ranks forever. They just hide it better than the church.

  3. Boy Scouths! OOooooohhhh! Tho much fun!

    Start your own F@G scouts, boys! Leave real God and Country boys alone.

  4. I'm sick 2 death about gay issues

  5. " allies no longer can muster their troops as they once did "

    Because they are dying off, it is all generational.

  6. Gays are always trying to gain access to children.


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