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Friday, May 24, 2013

Department of Homeland Security: Selling Counterfeit Goods Is Now “Terrorism”

If the IRS scandal wasn’t enough to convince you that bloated, corrupt, bureaucratic government institutions pose a greater threat to our freedoms than any terrorist attack ever could, this story should settle it once and for all. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is not only wasteful, power hungry, and entirely unnecessary, it is also rapidly transforming itself into the Vampire Squid of government. In light of the fact that pretty much every terrorist plot the U.S. government has “thwarted” since 9/11 has been either FBI or CIA hatched schemes rooted in entrapment, the DHS has a lot of spare time on its hands to hunt frightening acts of “domestic terrorism.” You know, like fake Gucci bags. This story is beyond unacceptable. From WIVB Channel 4 News:

AMHERST, N.Y. (WIVB) – Federal agents swept through two shopping malls Monday, seizing fake merchandise and shutting down stores.


1 comment:

  1. Well Terrorist are by definition criminals. But they make money in many many ways. This is probably not even a top source for them. Most of their money comes from fellow Muslims.

    But fact is many Americans simply can not afford the high prices these goods cost. Thus they have no problem buying "counterfeit" goods most of the time they know that it is not the real thing but fact is that they can NOT afford the real thing.


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