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Saturday, May 25, 2013

CBS' Sharyl Attkisson: My Computers Were Compromised, 'Could Be Some Relationship' To DOJ Scandals


  1. Hitler is back in full force , get your weapons ready , lock and load.
    The most evil government I've seen in my 70 years.
    This guy Obama may be worse than Hitler , he is married to the muslim religion and supports the terrorist .
    We had a muslim kill 13 people at fort hood , have you heard anything about that , years have gone by and nothing is done about it.
    Why ? Nothing gets done about anything anymore.
    Don't you think that strange? I do.

  2. He is the Neo-Marxist leader!
    His goal is one party rule. At any cost. For the cause of course.
    Yes, the worst President ever. Maybe not for Kenya but definitely the U.S.!
    Obama has turned America into the third world.


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