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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Carrie Underwood Donates $1 Million To Red Cross For Disaster Relief

Oklahoma native Carrie Underwood is giving back in a big way by making a major donation.

On Thursday, she revealed she is donating $1 million to the Red Cross for disaster relief.

“I have watched the devastation in my home state of Oklahoma over the past several days with great sadness,” Carrie said in a statement. “With the help of my fans who attended my concerts over the past year, we can offer the Red Cross a little extra help in comforting those affected by the recent tornados.”



  1. Miranda looks HOT in that picture

    1. I agree 10:45, very provocative. Mmmmm!

  2. 10:45pm evidently is not a country music fan (& does not ready & comprehend well) or they would know, just by the picture, without reading the words, that this is Carrie Underwood.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Miranda looks HOT in that picture

    May 23, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    My Mistake Carrie looks HOT in that picture and she is much hotter than Miranda!

  4. The Red Cross has over bloated salaries for many high on the food chain. Of that $1,000,000 Underwood donated maybe $250,000 will actually go to victims.

  5. Anonymous said...
    10:45pm evidently is not a country music fan (& does not ready & comprehend well) or they would know, just by the picture, without reading the words, that this is Carrie Underwood.

    May 24, 2013 at 7:22 AM

    Dude it was late at night and I am on pain meds. I can probably run circles around you about country music.

  6. yulp, those big salaries have to be paid out first in any organization. Best to donate it privately.

  7. I also no longer give to the Red Cross because their CEO earns 1.2 million a year.

  8. That was a really terrible thing for her to do. She should have given it to Salvation Army, because Red Cross
    wants only new things with tags still on them. Toby Keith is from Moore, Oklahoma, and you can bet he will donate Big Time!!!!!!!

  9. Kevin Durant NBA also donated a million to the relief fund.


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