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Monday, May 06, 2013

Breaking News

Salisbury paramedics have been called to the WCDC for an alleged hanging.
More to come


  1. Watch the excuses start flowing,no ones fault.Midday and no one sees anything.

  2. 3:28 it would interfere with the chess and poker tournaments. Also the females guards were probably getting they nails did.

  3. How would it be someones fault other than the person that hung themselves? If someone want's to kill themselves they will figure out a way. Was it someone elses fault that they were in jail to begin with?

  4. This place has been poorly run for decades, especially when DEVILdens as there. The guards are lazy in general, not all of them. Surprised it doesn't happen more often. 501pm, they are supposed to make rounds to prevent this. Under worked and overpaid.

  5. I agree with 501, If they want to try suicide, they will find the proper time when.

  6. Replies
    1. Because if they don't they would be sued 7:01.

  7. Guess their rope was not an illegal one.

  8. Anymore info on this?


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