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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Bernanke's Neofeudal Rentier Economy

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke is a Reverse Robin Hood, robbing from the lower 95% and giving to the financier class. The Real Reverse Robin Hood: Ben Bernanke and his Merry Band of Thieves (August 31, 2012).
It's worth understanding the mechanisms of this wealth transfer: in essence, the Fed extends low-cost credit (i.e. "free money") to the financier class which then uses this free money to buy rentier assets, that is, assets that generate economic rents for the owners, who add no value and create no wealth.

This is of course the neofeudal model: the financial aristocracy in the manor house own the rentier assets and the debt-serfs toil away to pay the rents and taxes. The financier class (i.e. those that benefit from the financialization of the economy) are as unproductive as feudal lords; they skim the profits generated by the debt-serfs while adding no productive value to the economy.

Financialization and Crony Capitalism Have Gutted the Middle Class (July 13, 2012)
The E.U., Neofeudalism and the Neocolonial-Financialization Model (May 24, 2012)
Why Krugman and the Keynesians Are Lackeys for the Neofeudal Debtocracy (April 24, 2013)

(I separate the bottom 95% from the top 4.5% and the .5% financier class for several reasons: 1) most of the stocks and bonds are owned by the top 5%; 2) the top 4.5% is shedding debt while the bottom 95% are adding debt; 3) the income of the top 4.5% is rising while household income of the bottom 95% is declining, and 4)the top 4.5% have access to lower-cost credit than the bottom 95%, but they do not have access to billions of dollars in nearly-free credit from the Fed or the shadow banking system like the financier class.)

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