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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bad Science And The ‘Rain Tax’

A storm is brewing in the Chesapeake region over ways to go about, and pay for, the bay’s expensive pollution cleanup.

Conservative politicians, especially Republicans, are having a field day deriding the stormwater runoff fee mandated last year by the Maryland General Assembly. Local Baltimore-Washington governments must set fee schedules by July 1. Whoever first attached the derisive moniker “rain tax” to the stormwater levy deserves a gold star from Propaganda Addicts Anonymous.

The phrase stuck like crazy glue. It has come to symbolize — in a gross distortion — the overreach of an oppressive, heavily intrusive government in the Annapolis State House. “Now they’re even taxing the rain!” is the way those in the no-tax crowd describe the situation.



  1. Where's all of the money from the various fees and taxes that were supposed to help pay for the clean up? Where's the millions (if not more) that gets donated every year to save the Bay, Clean the Bay, Bay the Bay, etc charities? All I ever see/hear about is volunteers doing their part, but these organizations, and government groups just talk, show slide shows and point fingers that WE need to do more, WE need to pay more. Rolls your sleeves up and do something FFS.

  2. Not to mention the Bay Restoration Fee that started at $30.00 per home (on any septic system) that jumped up to $60.00 per home?? Who stole that cash?

  3. I, personally, and I'm only speaking here for myself, have never spread nitrogen or Phosphorous on my roof OR my driveway, ans NEVER spread fertilizer on them nor the street out in front of my house. I have never seen my neighbors do it, either.

    But, that's just me.

  4. 3:20 - understood - but rain does fall there so you are responsible for paying the tax to the Governor.

    Maybe by now, those that voted for him are realizing the fallacy of their ways...unless they're too rich to care or so poor they don't have any property that is taxable....

  5. most of the bay pollution comes from the western shore. get it??? why do we continue to regulated and taxed to death on the eastern shore?

  6. 7:08, AMEN over and over!!!!!!!!

  7. Received comments from Arizona as they have read about the rain tax and it is hilarious to them


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